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Everything posted by br3akfast

  1. How many players are in your group I might be interested in joining.
  2. I just re read your post and realized that i am too young and i also have a lot of experience with the game so i guess i do not qualify.
  3. My name is Alex I am 17 from USA and I have been playing DayZ for a pretty long time now so I am experienced and I no longer have anyone to team with. I am looking for a small group of players (3-5) to join ***i am not looking for a clan so please don't reply with a clan invite or anything like that*** i would prefer to play with mature players that are 17 years old or older so no squeakers please. I am down to play any DayZ mod including vanilla. I prefer to use skype but i can use TS mumble etc... To contact me you can add me on skype or just reply. Skype : Blaa990o
  4. Still looking for another player to join your group?