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About knallfix

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  1. knallfix

    Post Your Gear So Far

    O7 Comrades
  2. Same for me. I was playing without problems for like 45mins. But then i got disconnected and now it happens after a few mins on every server i try.
  3. My skillZ are pretty bad but ... :) All hail our glorious and beloved Leader maybe i try harder later
  4. knallfix

    Graphical bugs

    Stary Sobor, looking at the military Camp from the bushes east of the camp. Edit: 2 more pics. from the other side of the camp. All good: Moving the mouse for a mm towards the camp:
  5. That's me, near the Stary Sobor mil. Tents. Yesterday, in Berenzino, turning off Vsync and restarting the PC helped. (turning off Vsync alone not). But now, nothing works. Luckily it's early in the morning and noone else plays :) Would be *censored* to get shot while you can't see anything
  6. knallfix Fix

    i was in the upper part of Berenzino and couldn't see anything because of the artifact apocalypse. turn off vsnyc, restart your pc. worked for me.
  7. Same for me. I'm in the uphill part of Berenzino and you basically can't see anything. Screen is covered with black and gray artifacts. Ati 5850
  8. knallfix

    Post your IRL Survival Gear/Outfit!

    delete me
  9. knallfix

    How To Get Top Tier Items

    Tool \o/ :beans: for you :)
  10. knallfix

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Hmm, quick and dirty and bad ;)
  11. knallfix

    Interactive Chernarus Map

    Oh, awesome. All i want in one map, thanks.
  12. knallfix

    [Machinima] Perfect Trap UPDATE

    A Kingdom for a bean.
  13. knallfix

    Quick Melee Question

    Ooops. I meant the rifle slot :) the top one
  14. knallfix

    Quick Melee Question

    They use the gun slot.
  15. 230.000 Players are a lot for a PC only today. And for a mod it's just crazy. And imo the main reason for all the attention DayZ get from Press and Interwebs is, they can't believe it. People actually playing a game like DayZ. People loving the "hardcore" in DayZ. We Gamers aren't the dumped down button smashers the major publishers keep telling us we are. Because we have to buy their dumped down button smash games with autohealth, autosave, autocover and content ripped because of DLCs with no Mod or dedicated Server Support for 60 bucks and so on. This makes the Press crazy :)