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Everything posted by MynamesMj

  1. Center For Zombie Control. In the week after the infection the Military and CDC seemed to of vanish just as quick as the rest of the government, whether they were destroyed by the infection or fled offshore is unknown. All we know now is that no one is containing the infected but that's all about to change... Word We Live By: It isn't the art of taking someones life, to us how many survivors we save, We'll pick the time & place to do harm to you if you have the premonition to do harm to us. We Have 5 Simple Regulations: #1. Assaulting Other Members Is Prohibited - Verbal Or Otherwise. #2. Giving Away Our F.F.P's Location Is Prohibited. #3. No Hacking Or Cheating By Any Members. #4. Making Changes To The F.F.P Without Officer Permission. #5. Working With The Enemy/Letting A Target Escape - Meaning The Possible Lost Of A Friendly Life. Interested? All Welcome! Apply Here Using This Format: Name/In-game: Age: Play Style (Sniper, CQB, Runner?): Location: How Long Have You Played For: Steam Name:
  2. Hey guys, me and my friend Mr.King are looking for a group of people to play with on dayz with us seen as it can be quite boring so we'd love to hear from some people looking to join a group! We enjoy playing overwatch and on epoch the most so if your the same we'd love to hear from you! Here are the qualities we are looking for! - Any age 12+ preferably - Good at pvp / base building - Have skype and steam - Can play all the time - Have fun playing dayz - Looking for a group to play with Leave Me Your Skype Names Or Steam Names If Interested! -Mr.Mj
  3. MynamesMj

    Looking for group, or looking for more!

    Hey man, me and my friend are looking for people to hang with on dayz and just have a good time looting and stocking up on guns and you sound like a good kind of player! Ill hit you up on steam sometime this week and we talk more then! -Mr.Mj
  4. MynamesMj

    Looking for Epoch Clan

    Hey man, just had myself a read through your post and i think i could solve your problem, me and my friends have what we consider a clan going on. Your what were looking for in a member. We'd love to see you in action so if your interested hit me up on skype or steam! Skype - matthew_981 steam - Mj - Mr.Mj
  5. Were both from England :)
  6. We are group of Hero's and Bandit's who have joined together in an attempt to control the spread of the infection in Chernarus and have established a F.O.B there. And we are looking for new recruits! Joining is simple all you have to do is post an Application. But we have some requirements: 1. Have a microphone of good-ish guilty 2. Be at least 16-ish (if under still post just incase) 3. Be Mature unless were having a joke around 4. English language only Here's a template for you to use: Name: Country (lets us know times) : How often will you come on?: What is your favourite job (Loot runner, scout etc...) ? : Will you be serious when needed to be?: When do you play the most?: Do you have skype + steam account?: Once In We Have Only 3 Simple Regulations: #1. Assaulting other members is prohibited #2. Giving away our F.O.B's location is prohibited #3. No Hacking or cheating by any members We like to play almost everyday and we play DayZ, Overwatch, origins and mostly epoch and like to do so some what seriously so members who do so and having fun while doing so are wanted! Hope to see you new recuits soon! P.S: all member are awesome so if you join your awsome too :D
  7. You seem to have a good range of skills! your in!
  8. The your age is a little low but seen as you are the kind of person we are looking for your in!
  9. Perfect your just the kind of recruit we need! Your in!
  10. Great perfect your in! send me your steam name so i can add you to the clans steam page! :D