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Everything posted by shadowvfx

  1. Bring back the Mak, but with only 1 magazine. For veterans, not having a gun is no big deal. But my friends who JUST started are finding it incredibly difficult to start up (especially since they don't know what building/places have the gun loot).
  2. shadowvfx

    Rearming/Saving a Tent

    So my tent placement procedure was correct? I just wanted to make sure my items didn't vanish due to something I did wrong with saving the tent.
  3. shadowvfx

    Item spawn time?

    What. I don't even... Yeah, that's a bit of a stretch. I hang out in the region surround Zelenogorosk and I make "the rounds" to those dearstands and stores in the area regularly. It's a bit aggravating when the town has absolute crap for loot and I go walking around and make my way back only to find the same loot still there. I'm glad someone asked this question, because I was wondering the same thing.
  4. shadowvfx

    Tents - I can't f*cking place them

    Restart server. :P I'm not an admin and I don't even know anyone who operates the server. Soooooo, yeah. Probably ain't gonna happen.
  5. shadowvfx

    Juking zombies is the way to play now

    I dunno man. I haven't been able to ditch many of my zombie mobs lately. They also seem much easier to attract (audibly) than I remember from 2 weeks ago.
  6. shadowvfx

    Tents - I can't f*cking place them

    I finally placed a tent based on what Soldier of Failure suggested. -Find an open spot -Open you inventory -Right-click tent and select "Place Tent" (or whatever) -Continue strafing left or right slowly while spamming rightclick + leftclick to place the tent. Eventually it placed my tent. Question: I put crap into my tent and selected REARM AT TENT and SAVE OLD TENT. I made sure to save it multiple times, just to be sure. I then log off for a few hours and log back on and...no tent. It's gone. WTF!? I'm certain I'm on the right server and I'm certain of the location. Did I do something wrong or should I just chalk this one up to a glitch? Also, I know what SAVE TENT does, but what does REARM AT TENT do?
  7. shadowvfx

    MAN icon on Map

    I just found a map for the first time tonight and while checking it, I would see icons (similar to mine), but they're orange and say MAN. At first I thought they might be other players, but they would appear and disappear all the time. What are these?
  8. I'm running through a forest and the sky is partly cloudy and my in-game vision keeps going bright/dark and it's making it REALLY difficult for me to see things effectively. I understand that this is trying to simulate real life eye adjustment, but I've never experienced something this dissorienting IRL (and I live in Seattle; clouds + forests everywhere). I think it's the HDR effect, but I've tried changing it from VERY HIGH to the lowest setting (NORMAL), but it still transitions constantly at certain times, putting major strain on my eyes. Any thoughts, tips, or suggestions regarding this?
  9. shadowvfx

    Lighting changes get annoying

    So other than the gamma thing, does anyone else have some suggestions? Does anyone else have this issue, or is this atypical for most players?
  10. shadowvfx

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Neutral. I know that scientifically it makes sound travel greater, but in reality it's not much more noticeable. If anything, bump it up by ~10% or so, but that's about it. I hope that any fog dense enough to increase sound transmission would significantly reduce visual identification of players/zeds as well.
  11. Wow, the PDW blowz. I found it and was completely giddy, but when it came time to use it, I might as well have been using a Makarov. The sound seemed to attract a ton of zeds, too. I should've just used my AK. The only thing good about it is the magazine capacity, but when it takes 3-4 shots to drop a Z, even that's kind of useless. It reminds me of the TMP back when I used to play Counter Strike. We jokingly called it the paintball gun because it would take so many shots to drop a person that it was like you were pelting them with paintballs instead of bullets. I'll take the revolver or 1911 over the PDW any day. What are your thoughts, comments, stories about the PDW?
  12. shadowvfx

    No sir, I do not like the PDW

    I admit, the ability to use almost any 9mm ammo in it is a REAL plus. But unless it's 9mm SD rounds, I don't think I'll be using it again.
  13. shadowvfx

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    The only reason I want to keep it is because while running in 1st person view, your screen shakes like crazy. IRL, the human brain can compensate for much of the movement of the head while keeping vision focused and relatively clear. That is NOT the case when you're in 1st person mode in Day Z. I use 3rd person while traveling in the country so I can alt-look around and view my surroundings without the stupidly violent view shaking.
  14. shadowvfx

    Most depressing moment of DayZ so far

    What the hell compelled you to do this? You were 90% safe from them and you still shoot? Seriously, what was going through your mind at that moment?
  15. shadowvfx

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only if server is run by community. Alternatively, I would consider a monthly fee IF there were continuing, meaningful updates and servers were hosted by the studio (for QA). I can't see a F2P model working for such a hardcore-focused game like Day Z. The point is to prove your virtual survival abilities, not buy said abilities or equipment.
  16. shadowvfx

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Well with this thought in mind, I've been thinking of something Rocket, maybe allow these tool belt items to be used without unequipping / removing your primary or secondary weapons, like allow tool belt items to be used via the mouse wheel or the "F" menu like how you switch to flares / chemlights / cans & bottles to throw / grenades etc. so you can use those tool items without dropping / unequipping your primary & secondary. That sound any better? Or is this even possible? unsure of engine capabilities.. *shrug* This is a mod, not a game. If you want to use the flashlight, or a melee weapon (which doesnt even EXIST in the base game...) they must be in the primary/secondary slot. Melee weapons can't be in secondary because animation is too limited. Rocket, I have a question regarding the flashlight. I don't know how the ARMA II engine works, but to avoid this issue, could the flashlight be replaced with a strapped headlamp that could simply have an on/off toggle from the right-click menu? Then you could just project a light source from the forehead of the character. Maybe it is similar to how the lights on firearms work, but it would always face forward of the player. This would also free up the player's hands to use other tools/weapons. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't even bother picking up the flashlight. It's way too cumbersome to deal with switching it out for my pistol in a defensive situation. And since the flashlight is a beacon that attracts zombies/players, it sucks not being able to keep a pistol out while it's equipped.
  17. shadowvfx

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I hope this isn't a joke. It would be totally awesome. Or, better yet. How about a a board with a rusty nail in it!?
  18. So many "veterans" on this forum just love to call out CoD and Bf3 at every f*cking chance you get. Any person with a dissenting opinnion is now a noob that doesn't understand what it's like to play a "hardcore, super realz game". SERIOUSLY, drop that crap. It's like crying witch or something. I made a drinking game out of reading a thread and taking a shot every time "GO BACK TO CoD" or, "CoD Kiddies" is used. It's pathetic. You guys all sound like a whole bunch of elitist asshats. If you want this game to thrive and survive, you have to understand that YOU and a handful of other die-hard fans are NOT enough to make developing Day Z into a full-on game lucrative. You will HAVE to accept and welcome new members eventually, and branding them as CoD Kiddies or whatever the f*ck you guys want to call them isn't helping. Some of these newbs are idiots. Some don't have the greatest of ideas or suggestions, but seriously...cut it out. Treat people more like human beings with a different opinion than your own and less like retarded ogres. If you don't, your game is going to be doomed to obscurity and fade with the all the previous PC mod trends of years past.
  19. shadowvfx

    Rocket you are killing this mod

    calranthe, Prepare for fanboy rage.
  20. shadowvfx

    Can we stop the CoD/BF3 name calling?

    And what good would that do for you or anybody else? That seems like a very selfish sentiment.
  21. shadowvfx

    Can we stop the CoD/BF3 name calling?

    Exactly. Notice how it took the HUGE influx of these new players to prompt BiS to transfer Rocket from dev work on ArmA III to full-time work on Day Z? You can't tell me that would have happened if Day Z still only had ~10k users. To keep Day Z evolving into a bigger, better game, you need the attention and participation from the masses. Scaring them off will only hurt the game YOU love.