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Everything posted by TheRedScare

  1. Most companies use kickstarters which is giving them money for nothing or a t-shirt with something on it. This is you paying for a game. Think of it like buying Skyrim for half price but with some of the side quests missing but you get them for FREE after a month or so.
  2. TheRedScare

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    I am gonna make the assumption that you are either; A) A 13-18 year old thinking he is "trolling people hard in the butt" . B) An impatient dickwad who needs to learn how to read and spell. C) A pessimistic asshole who should still learn how to read and spell. or D) An idiot who needs to learn how to read and spell. The game is early alpha, if triple A companies released early alpha versions of their games it would be just as bad. The real appeal to DayZ has been the fact it is a true survival horror zombie game. You make a game with the exact same amount of funding they had and release it at early alpha stage so we can judge it. If you are trolling then you are terrible at it really.
  3. Some do actually and stop using stupid example to compare things.
  4. TheRedScare

    I am getting a bit annoyed

    I am aware but I was not making a complaint and saying I wasn't told, I was asking if anyone else had this happen and/or knew how to stop it.
  5. TheRedScare

    Tips, Tricks & Queries.

    Yes So far I have found a m4a1 and a mosin as well as ammo for a revolver and a m16. No. Perfect how it is.
  6. TheRedScare

    I am getting a bit annoyed

    Its GB 1-33 and GB 1-101. I have tried other servers and my ping is always low because I have a great connection and the servers I join have a ping of 30-50 for me. It happens when the red chain appears to notify me that I am loosing connection, it kicks me and I rejoin as a fresh spawn every time. Disconnecting early doesn't help either.
  7. TheRedScare

    Nighttime and metagaming

    Even with full brightness you still need a light to loot indoors, its pitch black.
  8. It is glued to the roof of rog castle..... >:( On the plus side though I got a payday mask as well as 2 hatchets and a shovel and enough supplies to keep me going till I reach a loot spot.
  9. TheRedScare

    My first 30 minutes of playing DayZ Standalone

    I logged back in to see I had accidentally ghosted behind another player, naturally my first thought was kill him and take his rotten apple and bloodstained jeans like a homicidal hoarder. Then I decided that perhaps talking to this guy would be a good idea instead of gently slapping him with my fists. It wasn't. Somehow this guy had managed to hide a mosin in his asshole because he turned around unarmed then pulled it out and shot me. Obviously I still loved every moment of it as it was so tense! Seriously I can't stop grinning like an idiot whilst playing and zombies are fucking terrifying at night, the creepy fuckers don't shamble around letting us hear them any more, they like to stand still near corners so I turn around and shine my light into their face and promptly shit myself.
  10. TheRedScare


    First image of dayz in my steam libary! CHOO CHOO IM ON THE FUCKING HYPE TRAIN
  11. TheRedScare


    I don't use steam. I made one a while ago because my friends bugged me to get TF2 ;)
  12. TheRedScare

    My first 30 minutes of playing DayZ Standalone

    I spawned in at Kamenka on a 3 player server, spent 5 minutes getting used to the inventory and controls then began looting, 25 minutes of looting later I finally found my first item, a rotten apple. I wolfed it down because my character was hungry and instantly regretted it as I was flooded with messages saying I felt sick and my personal favourite "I have a weird taste in your mouth". I slowly found more and more food and drink and then I stumbled across them. Rocket Shades. Fuck yeah. Well I am done with DayZ SA forever now I don't need to play anymore because I might lose my sweet shades.
  13. TheRedScare


  14. TheRedScare

    Sorry you may not access this content

    Buy from steam?
  15. TheRedScare

    How did you hear that standalone was released?

    I came on the forums to make another fake Dayz SA release post and saw it was released then instantly shit my pants and furiously typed in my credit card details whilst crying tears of joy.
  16. TheRedScare


    I was joking.
  17. TheRedScare

    DayZ Standalone Screenshots

    The middle finger one is priceless.
  18. TheRedScare

    is great feeling being noob again

    This is what just went through my mind.
  19. TheRedScare

    is great feeling being noob again

    TheRedScareLP is my IGN. I will be on for the next week straight.
  20. TheRedScare


    About 1 hour.
  21. TheRedScare


    £20 for UK. UK - 1 USA - 0 In all seriousness you expect a discount to be able to partaketh in the supping the sweet sticky nectar of rocket's hard work? How dare you suggest such a thing, the price should really be £420 because yoloswagprobono.
  22. TheRedScare

    is great feeling being noob again

    Targets don't shoot back ;)
  23. TheRedScare

    DayZ Launch Trailer

    Posted already.