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Everything posted by TheRedScare

  1. The OP is discussing this idea for the SA, you are all discussing it for the mod.
  2. TheRedScare

    dayz rules joke.

    #23 KoS is the nicest player alive, run at him with a gun and ask for free stuff! (The free stuff may be bullets embedded in your skull but still!)
  3. TheRedScare

    Before you Kill On Sight, Try This!...

    All these methods are awful. Just plow over survivors in a SUV. No bullets wasted.
  4. TheRedScare

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    SmashT is not real, that's just a bot. SmashT is a figment of our imaginations.
  5. TheRedScare

    Check out the new lighting thats being implimented.

    I saw that next to it.
  6. TheRedScare

    Need help pitching a tent

    I misinterpreted the title. I was gonna tell you just look up some naked pictures online or something.
  7. TheRedScare

    dayz rules joke.

    #18 Bikes are as loud as a Jumbo-Jet to zombies but silent to players.
  8. I enjoy epoch as although I love Vanilla DayZ I play Epoch to avoid getting bored of Vanilla, this way when the SA never comes out I can enjoy playing it!
  9. IIRC, enfields can knock players out in one shot, making it perfect for beginner bandits.
  10. TheRedScare

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Steam Sub 17511 (DayZ SA) 31102013 (Current date) - 17511 = 31084502 31/08/4502 RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED
  11. TheRedScare

    KoS is get KoS'd???

    Its a Damian Marley cover/remix of the original song by Ini Kamoze (World a Music)
  12. If you don't like the vanilla game play on DayZ Epoch. You can trade all your crap loot for ingots and trade them back for weapons.
  13. TheRedScare

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

  14. TheRedScare

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Get it? Rocket?
  15. TheRedScare

    Quick Tips For Starter (Submit a tip if you have one)

    Don't loot cities. Seriously its just a suicide run. Unless its night and not many people are on you have a 8/10 chance of being shot. Loot barns and small homes for food and basic gear.
  16. TheRedScare

    Idea To Reserve Space.

  17. TheRedScare

    What Do You Want to see Dayz SA?

    I will no longer KoS, just critically wound and cuff on sight.
  18. TheRedScare

    Whats your theory

    Find two cans of food and two cans of drinks. Loot a barn/warehouse/cattle house for a weapon. Camp Stary. Kill a better equipped player. Loot said player. Find a car. Drive the car to the northern border. Loot tents. Thrive.
  19. TheRedScare

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Too lazy to edit the background to SA
  20. TheRedScare

    Dayz: LOST in Epoch

    Not all servers have it enabled.
  21. TheRedScare

    Hide Items

    .....using the toilet?....I am sorry I just wanted to dream.
  22. TheRedScare

    GPS and Waypoints

    Instead of a marker the GPS should give you voice instructions to your destination. "Take the next left turn" "Drive around the burning helicopter wreckage" "Turn right at the next bandit roadblock"
  23. TheRedScare

    solo bandit tactics

    Set up tank traps in a zig-zag pattern on a road, wait in a nearby bush, a car will either smash into the tank traps stopping it completely or go off-road slowing it down, then you can spray and pray at the driver. A good tactic if you have basic gear is to wait in a barn at the top floor and shoot scavengers. They never bother checking a barn for bandits.
  24. TheRedScare


    As in a combination of both not eating for ages and not drinking, I don't mean you literally see a zombie I mean you start hearing the sounds of aggro'd zombies. If you lived in a world full of zombies you would be paranoid normally never mind when you start suffering from extreme malnutrition. You'd start freaking out.
  25. TheRedScare


    We should have hallucinations from not eating or drinking. I wanna see some fresh spawn running around yelling about zombies when its just a rabbit running around near him.