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Everything posted by TheRedScare

  1. TheRedScare

    What's your favorite map in DayZ?

    Lingor. Because it makes vodniks a terrifying force as they can just drive in a straight line through rivers.
  2. TheRedScare

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Well so far the bug reports are for the DayZ Mod. I am curious as to if a new subforum will be made for the SA or if its a different process.
  3. TheRedScare

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    If we buy the early access game will we be able to report back on issues anywhere or will it just be certain testers can do that? I like the idea of testing the SA early and actually helping with its development (as far as reporting bugs counts as helping anyway) instead of waiting for a full release.
  4. TheRedScare

    Out-do Epoch?

    Oh no here comes the "go to epoch forums for that we hate epoch and fun". Anyway I enjoy Epoch and I host an Epoch server that has nothing added except AI missions, its no different than vanilla except you can trade and AI bandits hand your ass to you every ten minutes.
  5. TheRedScare

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    Also people looking at one screen shot of a dev team having fun and then deciding everything is now shit is fucking idiotic. Stop being so judgemental and pessimistic.
  6. TheRedScare

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    I like it, if its rare that is. Also who are you to say what people would wear in a virtual zombie apocalypse? Deranged killers might want to create an image so that if someone gets killed by a machete wielding maniac with a clown mask they know who it is. Also that mask looks like a proper ballistics mask so yeah it would offer protection.
  7. TheRedScare

    [SA] Wall 'press'

    No wall peeking, just wall pressing. Wall peeking just reminds me of FPS too much.
  8. TheRedScare

    fuel + match + house = player BBQ revenge fire

    Put 50 cans of beans in a house. Wait for someone to see it and run into the house. Ignite the house. Proudly gloat over side chat and possibly make a pun about BAKED beans.
  9. TheRedScare


  10. TheRedScare

    November Round-up

    Have my beans.
  11. TheRedScare

    fuel + match + house = player BBQ revenge fire

    How about you need 3 fuel cans and it has a chance to explode in your face as you ignite it?
  12. TheRedScare

    dayz mod support

    5 minutes are nearly up, I hope to see a changelog soon!
  13. TheRedScare

    dayz mod support

    Every 5 minutes.
  14. TheRedScare

    dayz mod support

    It is just not enough clearly.
  15. TheRedScare

    hey everyone

    If you get a bicycle ride it down hill as fast as possible, nothing bad ever happens.
  16. TheRedScare

    Got raped whilst sniping.

    I snipe at night at the top of the smoke-stack chimney at the electro powerplant. No one looks that high up in electro so its easy to camp for hours on end.
  17. I let a guy with a makarov shelter in the school where I was looting, I had good loot and a hero skin. Way better armed than him. I bloodbagged him and took out the zombies with an SD makarov. He thanked me then asked if he could have the unlabled food can on the floor. I said sure and turned around to cover the door. Bang. He shot me in the head. He wasn't a bandit or a hero, just a survivor, I asked why would he do that over side chat and his response was "lolnoob welcome 2 dayz". I still don't let it stop me helping fresh spawns but I did make half my characters on other servers bandits to help channel my anger. The DayZRP server is good as you can PvP but you get banned for KoS'ing, players must interact and have a backstory. It is very fun!
  18. TheRedScare

    Mk17 sd Sniper

    He said Namalsk Epoch
  19. TheRedScare

    Spawning in as Zombie Bishop

    It is a feature of DayZ Epoch, if you die with an infection you turn into a zombie. Just die and you respawn as a human.
  20. TheRedScare

    Mk17 sd Sniper

    Hero/Bandit traders? Also bit of a necro there.
  21. TheRedScare

    We look for the standalone?

    The DayZ standalone has its own engine, new anti-hack (VAC) system and lots more. The old issues that were caused by Arma 2 will not happen. Please read before you post.
  22. TheRedScare

    An idea for a map ?

    Would be cool but a map that size would have little detail as it would crash and lag hard if it had too much. It would also be kinda pointless as even with 100+ players there would be little interaction due to the size.
  23. TheRedScare

    Global Ban Problem?

    Lots of hackers do post here and try to lie. Your attitude seems to scream that you did hack. If you are so aggressive in defending yourself you must have hacked. Otherwise it would have been a simple I didn't hack response. Not