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Everything posted by TheRedScare

  1. TheRedScare

    is great feeling being noob again

    I am gonna run around with a payday mask just to annoy everyone.
  2. TheRedScare


    87% at the minute and its first screen too!
  3. TheRedScare


  4. TheRedScare

    a friend in need

    There is a difference between standing up to a bully and bullying a bully. Defending someone being hurt by fighting off the agressor is fine. Insulting someone over an online forum for posting stupid stories about a video game to the point that its cyberbullying is not fine.
  5. TheRedScare

    server nukes

    Kick filters would kick someone as soon as they tried to spawn one though, I use them and it kicks hackers trying to nuke. you need to make sure you have every possible missile/vehicle that can be used as a missile on it.
  6. TheRedScare

    server nukes

    Can't you add kick filters to battleye's createvehicle.txt to kick anyone who creates missiles in game?
  7. TheRedScare

    a friend in need

    I don't agree with the name calling and insults but still people you can't just flame a user and insult him. You are just as bad as him then. What you are doing is essentially cyberbullying and ganging up on someone.
  8. [2013-12-14 | 12:16:19] Player #0 Freezi (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) connected [2013-12-14 | 12:16:22] Player #0 Freezi - GUID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [2013-12-14 | 12:16:22] Player #0 Freezi disconnected I keep seeing this in my server log, players join then instantly get disconnected. For some players it shows them as using modified data files then they disconnect. The strange thing is my server's playerbase is all Russian/Ukrainian/Brazillian. No other country can connect without getting instantly disconnected and it is really bugging me. I am running DayZ Epoch Don't say post it on Epoch forums because I tried to run a Vanilla server too and the same thing happened.
  9. If you play minecraft try decompiling it and looking at its source code and make a basic mod for it. Its really good for teaching yourself basic JavaScript.
  10. TheRedScare

    life's a drag then you die

    You seem pretty butthurt.
  11. Don't derail the hype train. Just Dean with it and get on-board.
  12. TheRedScare

    More Dangerous Infected.

    That video just made my weekend.
  13. I play Epoch and it isn't a hugbox mod. I host my own server and it has no safezones, no custom spawn loadouts, just a bandage a painkiller and a flashlight, the AI missions are brutal and you can be easily sniped from 600M away, the server has 200 vehicles but all of them are broke entirely so you must salvage all the parts, AI bandits patrol cities and towns killing everything that breathes, traders buy cheap and sell expensive so you get ripped off. Bases are not invincible and you cannot find lockboxes on zombies so there is no easy safe storage option. People who say shit like "Epoch is for people who can't play vanilla" or "Epoch is for kids" need to hop off the hate spewing bandwagon and look at it in detail. Yes there are servers with stupid shit like free AS50s on spawn and safezones that hand feed you magical unicorns and marshmallows whilst soothingly telling you everything will be okay, but not every server is like that, if you want to use that flawed logic then I can look at vanilla and say "look vanilla is for kids, I see lots of vanilla servers with self-bloodbag/3000000+ vehicles/spawn with guns/no pvp and other hugbox crap." But I don't because I know that not every server does that. So in summary stop being nasty shits who complain about something that doesn't actually affect them and stop grouping shit servers with proper servers.
  14. TheRedScare

    life's a drag then you die

    I believe mods have warned about flaming each other on Lee's threads. Please shut the fuck up and don't comment if you don't like it.
  15. TheRedScare


    Zaipy is the guy in the car. The Mask represents the forum members.
  16. TheRedScare

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    Fuck off then and don't buy it. There you go problem solved!
  17. TheRedScare

    Rocket Is on Twitch!

    I want to kill everyone spamming that crap. No one can get their Qs answered.
  18. We need a I <3 Beans shirt..........
  19. ITS OUT! STEAM JUST PUT IT UP! store.steampowered.com/app/DayZAlphaTest/
  20. TheRedScare

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Ah so similar to Google's code hosting site? People can make detailed reports and developers can see them.