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Everything posted by Tilthan

  1. Age: 21 In-Game Name: Tilthan Location: Croatia Experience 1-10: 7/8 Skype Name: Thadris or Tilthan (some people find me under thadris some under Tilthan)
  2. Tilthan

    WARNING: Do not install!

    Well. Testing is the point. But if it causes sever crashes and ammo turning into melee weapons. We know the problems. And testing it with server crashes all the time.. don't think so. Not really a test if you cant play.
  3. Tilthan

    CROSSBOWS - Your opinion?

    I love my crossbow... I had a winchester before but i avoid towns when i see players, and i love it to get into towns full of zombies... My only issues is that sometimes i cant get the bolt back, instead of that i think once u shoot a zombie or player they should drop the bolt, or 2 depending how much u shot at him + the random chance of gear..that way u never need to loose a bolt unless u don't want to go in too close to get it back.. :P
  4. Tilthan

    Anybody wish to team up?

    Id like to team up..though now i hav to go..but ill be online tomorow almost whole day..add me on steam.. Tilthan or email jp3_mislav@msn.com
  5. Tilthan

    Stucked at loading screen

    i used Worrom's DayZ updater 1.5.. but on server list it says my current version is 1.60 and the server version is 1.60
  6. Tilthan

    Stucked at loading screen

    I bought the game today too..i played some solo earlier..took ages and server to server to actualy get in..got in and played. Than PC crashed and i cant get in ever since.. BTW u wana team up?? coz im solo and its a pain doing everything solo xD
  7. Tilthan

    Stucked at loading screen

    I cannot start playing.. All i see is black screen with loading on it... been up for every server i try for like 5 mins before i close it..what to do?