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shadowolf (DayZ)

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Everything posted by shadowolf (DayZ)

  1. shadowolf (DayZ)

    ways to avoid bandits

    yes with the inside a city one but how about when you see a road block and they tell you to stop is their any way to get by without getting shot at too badly
  2. that was great and if true than that is even greater but with the everist climb my morels would have told me to help that man even if he looked dead but than again im only 13 so i would just freak out if it was up to me
  3. shadowolf (DayZ)

    how do your clans work

    this is cool but tell me what do you guys do i really want to know which clans good and which ones are bad cheers
  4. lol well when i can play again we have to hang out some time but i might be a little rusty...... in just about everything [gone from good player to noob all over again] :( also i can help with the bodie guarding as well i hate bandits and you will need more than your selve to protect someone and your selve sorry for bad spelling
  5. i had a sad moment in where my friends had fallen and i took revenge what about YOU have you had that moment were you took revenge or were you the cause or even after they died you could not take your revenge i just want to hear your storys
  6. sorry i mainly do this at 12 to 3 in the morning so i don't really keep up on my punctuation or my gramma but i will try harder, thanks
  7. shadowolf (DayZ)

    The Most Cruel Thing To Do To Someone...

    follow a guy to his base wait untill one big group and than shoot them with RPG after say i followed ?????? and log out :D
  8. why what did ou do to make this mistake
  9. i just want to see some storys of people who messed or did not mean to mess with clans like i did
  10. shadowolf (DayZ)

    what have you done to anger a clan

    tell me what did they say after the 'cliff'
  11. wow that must have hurt....... a little bit
  12. acturly i remember now the worst thing i have done is lead 4 survivors to their doom b giving them a lift and than stopping at a gas pump and thowing down a big shoot out none of them got the chance but i needed to get better gear turned out to be one of those nice clans well they were nice with the equipment on their bodies :] but i regreted it imeaditly they said on side chat that they wanted a lift to a battle field to help some people out and that i won't get away with this right now my charaicter is now on a hill with plenty of surplies but still, i needed those surplies sorry for bad spelling i type fast and don't bother to fix it up if i did not notice it shadowolf signing off
  13. shadowolf (DayZ)

    Roleplay Story.

    name nazi killer profession kills those who are rudder nazis the man above dies tonight
  14. shadowolf (DayZ)

    what have you done to anger a clan

    what have i done well a long long time ago i was with some friends heading to elektro but they got their before me so i got a ride before a road block was runned into and i think the enclave where the owners of that so anyway i was not part of this group so the made this guy look after me so i choloformed him and took his car later i ceashed it with friends and went on until we met them again with the same guy so he tortured me and thought he killed me but my friend helped me i knocked him out [again] stole his m9 sd and shot him.... slowly after that we stole his car [again] and drove away, ather that we agreed to chang name and to get out of troble and that is how i came to be known as shadowolf
  15. shadowolf (DayZ)

    Roleplay Story.

    name Jake Ryan age 21 PoB townsville profession elite parkour and gun practise after spending some time at chernarus on hoilday vacay away from his friends and girlfriend he headed to the airport not knowing of the infection that swept across chernarus as he entered their was no one around until he called out "guys i have to be home soon so can you hurry up." but he realised what had happened as soon as someone greeted him, he had seen enough movies to tell a person should not be missing a arm with another one in its mouth, it droped its old food and went for him he already had an escape plan and he put into motian using the ground to leap across the place and past the infected he run outside to unfriendly face of a barel of a rifle "uh friendly" he said "nope" was the guys word before he was knock unconsis the 2 seconds he took to speak. The 2 secs gave jake all the tiime he needed now armed with a gun in hand jake looks to help people and to put a bullet in the head of every bandit he meets
  16. the worst thing i have done on dayz was well really bad and i wish i had not have done it but here goes it starts off with me and my two friends as we went to elektro we met this guy who had a thing with with saying friendly so we let him join us and for a good two hours we were having fun we even watched a heli crash right in front of us [not really about 40 to 80 meters i have a bad jaugement in meters [sorry for spelling] as we looted the dead people i think wait don't remember but i got a nice DMR with 3 mags i think anyway we made it to where we were going to drop off our new friend but he said "okey guys i have had fun but now i must do what my group demands" and the fuck pulled a gun on me but before we could shoot him we where surronded by a group of his friends and had to put our guns down lets say 3 vs 7 turned into 2 vs 3 and my friend was injured and to the reason why they died well its a little explosive with 3 frags thats all okey but yea we had a plan where they would take pot shots at my friend while snuck around but these guys where deadly as they were on to our plan but they did not expect me to crawl and my friend was the sneaker well it worked and we injured the 2 and killed the third with them not expecting the better shot to be the one carwling torwards them but as soon as they realised it was to late before we took them in a wrong way of my friend shooting them in the legs [they forgot he was their] and me shooting the third guy but we torturd them and got them to tell us their base [i forgot how] and than get exacuted them by taking their pkm and shooting it into the air untill their was nothing left [we were no good with it] and even after all that they did i still flet sad as that was the frist time i have ever done something like that before it was quite moralising for me and my friend...... well that was this storyand you don't want to hear what i did to that camp you do not want to know one hint RPG boom!
  17. shadowolf (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    that was so sad why if you ever meet that person i want you to shoot him in the head and say you are dead fucker mate you have my beens
  18. shadowolf (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    me and 3 buddies where just starting and we all went to elektro and after some waitinng my friends eventurly made to the place and kept waiting for me {because we where on skype] and i met some people some nice people in a car [also we where playing on a rp server] let me drive with them i asked them to take me to elektro and they said thats were they where heading so i had a good find untill we run into a road block by the enclave and when they surched my bag and found out i was a new guy they just told me to wait next to this guy but what they did not know is that i had some torlet paper and some choloform which i used on the guy guarding me so i stole his crossbow and his m9 sd yes i was very lucky and than i stole his water bottle and some meds before driving off in their car all the while i was explaining this to my friends and they did shoot at me but i got away soon i madde it their and found my friends who had found a buch of surrplies and a bhigger bag for me so we drove off made a road block for about 30 mins and caught 3 people withen the time but let them keep most of their stuff soon we where on the road again when we met with the enclave a differnet group thank god and they where having a massive fight with a differnt group of people so as we drove though the fight to get some actiion we lost a tire and called out "guys just picture us as torrust" sorry for bad spelling but continued on our way untill the car was unuseable thanks to my friend crashing intom a tree so we had to carwl our way across which went well surprisenly untill i fell uncosenice thanks to a couple of gun shots and had to wait so i got a drink and found that my friends had bangaged me and gave a blood transfusion after dragging me out of the battle they told me that a enclave thought that we where trying to sneak by so we could kill them and than left so after that we were on the road again when we met this docter who gave us a ride to this outpost where we stayed for a bit untill we got kicked out which led us to a hele and we stole it the bad thing was that my friend who was a terrable driver was flying the hele so bad we almost crashed untill we evacuated because people where shooting us. soon we found a quiet place untill one of my friends said "mates we have had one hell of a time so why don't we go out in a big bang" which made us run for the door which we heard one big bang and all fell unconuses. but as soon as we woke up we met more enclave and the guy i knocked out was their and he said some words shot me in the led and than sore at me untill finally shooting me in the chest which he thought he had killed me but he did not so my friend helped me and we killed the ass and ran away in the guys care agian it was so dam funny that we stoped just to laugh alot than i said "okey guys we have to chang our user names because we just made some serious enermys and they agreed but from than i have notbeen ableto playmuch until now sorry for the bad spelling shadowolf out