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About iamredseal

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Feeding it cooked food should tame. Uncooked food should infect the dog. I do like the emotional aspect of in desperate times, having to kill the dog to survive. Great idea!
  2. iamredseal

    Has anyone made a DayZ font?

    You can also use Dafont and find some great ones as well: http://www.dafont.com/search.php?q=zombie Also a good one: http://www.dafont.com/dead-kansas.font
  3. iamredseal

    Has anyone made a DayZ font?

    LoL, so instead, you would rather someone else spend the time doing it so you could just download it? Nice...
  4. iamredseal

    saving items.

    I believe on restart they get cleared. I can not verify that though.
  5. iamredseal


    Like many have stated before, if he feels he has 'beaten' the game, that's great. Move on to another game. Eventually, people that don't truly understand the meaning of a sandbox game will move on. Then the rest can play the game how it truly is intended. Doing what the OP has stated, he is truly missing out on some of the real fun of the game. Of course he feels bored.
  6. iamredseal

    saving items.

    Tents are your friend. Use them to store stuff in.
  7. iamredseal

    Servers name changing

    I think some may be implementing the new server names that Rocket and Team are starting to get all admins to comply with. It was sent out to all server admins. Also, I think with the latest changes from the attack recovery, some servers may be changing their IP which might effect your bookmarks. That sucks losing your homebase. I feel for ya.
  8. iamredseal


    Until you walk on a rock and break your leg(s). Sitting by a campfire eating the meat from your kill is good. But there is always that chance that something happens, and when it does, you will be tested. If you think that is the end to the game, you don't play sandboxes much eh?
  9. iamredseal

    NVG and scary times in Elektro

    How do you just surprisingly have a shotgun show up in your face with NVGs on?
  10. iamredseal

    Has anyone made a DayZ font?

    Just make one yourself and post it up here. That would be a great contribution.
  11. iamredseal

    Fighting the boredom TUTORIAL.

    Network programmers do game development? Taking out Zombies removes the entire theme this game is based around. It would be really no different than CoD or BF3, except having to find good gear before you start the fight. Like it's been said time and time again, this game isn't for everyone.
  12. iamredseal

    BIS gaining from this mod

    Last time I read numbers, DayZ had made over 20% of the lifetime sales of Arma2. Of course, that was about a month ago...
  13. iamredseal

    Worst possible "date" ever...I don't even... FML (serios)

    Good call dut https://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=Worst+possible+%22date%22+ever...I+don't+even
  14. iamredseal

    DayZ SVN

    rsync is probably a good choice as well. I have created a GIT repo for this too. If anyone prefers that path: https://github.com/RedSeal/DayZ_Latest_Patch.git