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Everything posted by Emplehod

  1. Emplehod

    Is duping a ban worthy? [1.8]

    Not the same thing. Did the bank put the hole there? The developers programmed the exploits. They should remove them. Taking the money is stealing. You are not stealing from anyone using an exploit. I don't use exploits personally. I never spend that much time trying to find them but people should not be banned for doing something within a game that allows it.
  2. Emplehod

    Is duping a ban worthy? [1.8]

    That's a bad analogy. If money fell out from under the dash every time you did it, would you keep doing it? Is it your fault? Or is it the fault of the manufacturer who put the ATM in the dash? People aren't going to use exploits that are bad for them. If you don't want people using exploits, don't program them into the software. They are bugs.
  3. Emplehod

    Is duping a ban worthy? [1.8]

    Yes, if the car manufacturer made a faulty car, they should be responsible. Why not? Say, if someone pressed a window switch and used the cigarette lighter at the same time and the car suddenly accelerated out of control, that would be the fault of the manufacturer. Same as in a game. If it is possible for someone to do something within the confines of the game's mechanics, this is not cheating. This is a programming error and should be fixed.
  4. Emplehod

    Is duping a ban worthy? [1.8]

    I've always found this odd. Aren't "exploits" in games called cheating to remove the blame from the developers for allowing these to be possible?