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Everything posted by thecoolestloseryouknow

  1. I knew random death match was bad in this game but now I understand it is much worse than I previously thought. this is just a collection of some short stories, i will try to keep them short and to the point. I play dayzero so maybe this is just the server and not the game. -my first ever experience with this game was when not even 5 minutes after I join the first server a Humvee of about 3-4 heavily armed players stop, jump out, gun me down, then drive off. what is bad about this is that it was obvious I had just spawned and hadn't picked up a single item. if there were a player I had to pick to represent the cod kiddies of dayz, it would be them. -obviously not all at once, but about 3 times I have given someone my spare gun and every single time they shoot me with it. I could understand if I was packing some decent gear, but I had little, if any better gear than them. this is why I no longer hand out anything bigger than food and water now. -my final story is when some kid I let be when I had a pistol and he was unarmed found a machete and did a suicide charge against me. to me, this just shows why the kos is so bad, because some people picked up dayz thinking it was call of duty. this ended up turning into more of a rant than a story but I just felt like I had to get these stories out there, not necessarily out of frustration, but amazement considering all this happened within my first few hours of dayz. also as a warning to any soon to be dayz players, that being a decent human being in this game just isn't possible.
  2. thecoolestloseryouknow

    All time favorite item in DayZ, and why?

    probably the axe. great zed killer and completely silent.
  3. thecoolestloseryouknow

    [SA] 20% chance that gun jams when firing below 50% weapon health

    the idea is good. plus with SA's new degrading system it might be possible to implement.
  4. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Why no Zombie children again?

    I believe dean said it would take to much time or something like that. plus it would be kind of pointless. almost all of the zombies in the game you mentioned are shamblers, besides reanimated players. so having zed children adds a challenge because they can run. in dayz all the zed are runners so the only real difference would be the model.
  5. thecoolestloseryouknow

    learn lesson from counter strike mistake

    dicks, dicks everywhere. in all seriousness this would be a good idea. especially if you could use it on vehicles. it would allow groups to have an identity.
  6. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Will hackers really be subdued in SA? Not likely.

    I don't remember exactly, but I believe rocket said something about loot being all on one client (I know little about all this tech shit so I probably sound like a 8 year old to you guys) so it will be much easier for servers to catch hackers that spawn things in.
  7. thecoolestloseryouknow


    it is a great gun, I just wish there was an iron sigh version.
  8. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Global Banned...

    why do people rage over topics they believe to be garbage? do you have to pay to read it or something?
  9. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Please bring back Pitch Black Nights and Lunar Cycle!!!!

    if the server lets you start with a flashlight it would be a good idea. otherwise the server will just empty because it is pretty much impossible to play unless you're in a city.
  10. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Change the destroyed clothing textures.

    I don't remember exactly, but I think he said the damage textures would be changed.
  11. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Looking for hardcore survivalist server that's hack free!

    so far dayzero podagorsk is the best for hardcore survival in my opinion. you start with a bandage, small backpack, and some painkillers. loot and and vehicles are extremely rare. the only 2 chat channels that you can access are direct and vehicle. the only downside is without a compass you have to be very careful you don't drift to far north because for whatever reason they left the northern half of the map empty besides an army base near the northern edge of the map. my first time playing I did this and wasted at least 4 hours before making it back. there are army bases but if you look at the loot chart on the website there is extremely low chance that any military grade weapons spawning. also every weapon is either tweaked or replaced along with many new guns being added. and many new clothing items are added as well.
  12. thecoolestloseryouknow

    friendly servers?

    are there any good servers that have an overall friendly survivor population but aren't one of those no pvp, carebear servers.
  13. thecoolestloseryouknow

    sea bases in SA

    something that could add some diversity to SA's gameplay is adding more features relating to naval gameplay. things like being able to shoot from and build defenses on boats would encourage some people to base on sea rather than land. there could be some as small as fishing boats and house boats and things as large as yachts and cruise ships.
  14. thecoolestloseryouknow

    STANDALONE - lynch mob

    in a way it will decrease kos though. now you have even more of a reason to capture some one alive.
  15. thecoolestloseryouknow

    sea bases in SA

    base probably wasn't the right word. I was thinking more of puting your gear in it and hiding it away as far as "basing" goes. but if some larger ones are added like an aircraft carrier or a cruise ship there could be some larger groups that actually build bases. look up dayz origins bases and you will see what I am talking about.
  16. thecoolestloseryouknow

    sea bases in SA

    it is set in modern day. and cruise ships could be from tourist, and yachts from rich people.
  17. thecoolestloseryouknow

    sea bases in SA

    while this seems like it is another way to camp, it would actually add some action to the game by introducing piracy in a way. imagine a boat with a couple of survivors desperately trying to escape a boat full of bandits chasing after and shooting at them.
  18. thecoolestloseryouknow

    sea bases in SA

    I wouldn't mind having the arma 2 boats. the main thing I would like to see added is being able to walk around on, shoot from, and even live on. and while a tank cannon would through it off balance, something like a pkm would work good fro mounting guns.
  19. thecoolestloseryouknow

    ways to avoid bandits

    for roadblocks (assuming you mean an ambush on a road), just be wary of anything that looks suspicious. and if it looks like it might be one, just drive a little out of the way. for snipers try to stick to things you can hide with or that will conceal you. ditches, trees, and bushes are some examples of this. for close quarters (cities, towns, and buildings) holding shift while walking makes you do a sort of tactical walk in witch your weapon is up and you can fire on the move. holding alt lets you look around without actually turning your body and is good for getting rid of tunnel vision. and when entering buildings the best advice I can think of is to hold shift while walking in one and act like you know there is a bandit in the next room. hopefully this helped, good luck.
  20. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Vz.58 (Sa58P/V) rifles should be added

    lol, I just now realized how old this topic was.
  21. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Vz.58 (Sa58P/V) rifles should be added

    I've always liked the sa58 for some reason. does it have any advantages over the akm?
  22. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Reason behind your username?

    my main name is thecoolestloseryouknow, I use it because it seems original. my other name is Brossolini, witch is like Broseph Stalin, only with Mussolini.
  23. thecoolestloseryouknow

    DayZ Memes

    it is poking fun at how much random death match is in dayz.
  24. thecoolestloseryouknow

    DayZ Memes

  25. thecoolestloseryouknow

    Zombies = Players?

    if you see zed in the distance it means a player is or was recently there.