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Everything posted by Blasty

  1. Blasty

    Destroying Friendships

    The exploiters will all leave once the game is fixed, however I love the fact that people assume "deathmatching" in DayZ is unrealistic. There are absolutely people who would bunker down in small groups and steal/kill everyone and anything that wasn't "one of theirs" if the shit hit the fan.. some of them might even kill people who ARE "one of theirs." The point is, in day z, if you didn't see the guy first, or if you weren't a better shot.. you deserved to die.. Every death is a mistake you can learn from, and get better... every life is an inevitability to eventually die again.
  2. Blasty

    What's your best sniper spot?

    Wherever I'm at.
  3. You can't do what you said currently, but at some point I'm sure it will be worked on better to allow for this kind of thing. There are many threads you can find on this topic if you search a little.
  4. Blasty

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    If i remember correctly there were actual broadcasting rules that prevented actually seeing a child shot on the walking dead. They had to actually show a shot then show the child who had already been shot, but never could they actually show it. Don't think this would apply at all, but found that interesting.
  5. Blasty

    Rocket, slow down.

    Why don't you just play on a server that hasn't updated yet... It's alpha, he's testing these as he released them (because he doesn't have a staff as big as the playerbase of the actual mod.) I agree its frustrating at times, esp when u lose gear u spent 100+ hours finding.. but thats the risk you take in ALPHA
  6. Blasty

    Heartbeating is almost like wallhack

    What's my humanity at for Blasty?
  7. Blasty

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    Nay! They are creepy!
  8. Blasty

    NY13 & NY23

  9. Blasty

    NY13 & NY23

    Crud... Are they fixable? Or are they gone for good? Any idea?
  10. Blasty

    NY13 & NY23

    Seriously? ^^
  11. Blasty

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    What is the gun? I can't view it at work.
  12. For reserve slots.. why don't you just add it on top of the player cap.. for example a 50 slot server has 15 reserve slots, and if all 50 are taken it just allows 15 extra players to join.. might show something like 65/50 in a really rare circumstance.. but who cares? As long as you don't put it above what the server can handle, it isn't going to hurt anything.
  13. I agree with the notion that zombies aggro through walls does not seem to be entirely fixed. Keep up the good work, love the mod!
  14. Where did these servers go? I enjoyed playing on and had tents on both and would like to know if they will be coming back at any time? Does anyone know if this stuff is trackable? Any feedback would be appreciated!
  15. Blasty


    Paradrops wouldn't have to be government run.. could be anyone doing them.. could just be huge crates of food and water.. the point would be that people would see them/hear them and flock to them.
  16. Blasty

    Respawn Confirmation

    Def. a great idea.
  17. Blasty


    That would be kind of cool! ^
  18. Blasty

    Drinking from lakes/faucets

    Well i meant like the pump faucets outside in towns where you can fill your canteen. maybe they aren't called faucets?
  19. Blasty

    Zombie Aggro Realism

    Also, why are zombies so fast? It makes no sense, really...
  20. Things like this, as well as other organized squads/bases will be more possible as the game develops. I sure hope the game does twist towards this style of play and that the playerbase is big enough to support it, because nothing would be more fun to me then to raid this merchant town and snipe guards/steal supplies.
  21. Blasty

    Friendly in Cherno Graphic

    haha thats great!
  22. Blasty


    hahaha thats awesome. I hate you vehicle hoarders btw, you ruin the fun!
  23. Blasty

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    Sounds like you just need a community that can increase your chances. It's easier to find loot when more people are looking!
  24. Blasty

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    What is the point in defending a guy who couldn't give a shit what some forum troll had to say?
  25. Blasty

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    eh - zombies are not a joke if you don't exploit the game. If they fix the thing that makes them walk in doors and the ability to despawn them on DC, i'm pretty sure you could die at any time in a town by discharging a loud weapon.