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About Blasty

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    PA, USA
  1. Blasty

    joe gets hooked up!

    oh i just figured that since you're so angry at something you had nothing to do with you are one of those guys who blames everyone else for your personal failures... we didn't shoot joe at the end of the video, we shot him later when we were pvping at balota cause he ran through after we told him not to go that way.
  2. Blasty

    Unintended Bait

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD8RRg0gSj0&feature=plcp Friend fell off the roof and other friend used his body as bait to kill a guy who was ghosting in that area.
  3. Blasty

    Dayz - Gladiator Bus Rescue

    That's funny to see it recorded from two points of view. he had no idea you guys were recording that.
  4. Blasty

    Looking for a partner...

    Don't PM caviano he's a skill-less dirtbag who trolls people on the forums all day long, he's basically a complete failure at life and will take it out on everyone around him because he's unhappy with his inability to make anything out of himself.
  5. Blasty

    joe gets hooked up!

    We didn't do anything to Joe, we gave him gear? Are you mentally retarded or just angry at your minimum wage job?
  6. lol looks like he was a bad shot!
  7. Blasty

    3 Weeks of hard work, finally paid off for my squad

    he's not a hacker, he's a duper.. there's a big difference.. almost everyone = duper almost no one = hacker.
  8. Blasty

    joe gets hooked up!

    It wasn't meant to be a skills video, it was a funny video. We have others of us raiding cherno and balota, but that wasn't what i posted. Really don't care what you think to be honest, just thought a few people would get a laugh out of it, as I did. i didn't even record it, my friend did, but since i thought it was funny i decided to share with others.
  9. Blasty

    DayZ - The Movie

    whats with those outfits?
  10. Blasty

    DayZ - The Movie

    well done man!
  11. Blasty

    joe gets hooked up!

    I guess I should've put this in the bandit forum, I wasn't aware all the carebears hung out on the gallery.
  12. Blasty

    joe gets hooked up!

    lol im amazed at all the trolls.. i thought it was pretty funny if you actually listen to the video. Joe had fun, that's for sure.
  13. Blasty

    joe gets hooked up!

    Is that you cristian?
  14. Blasty

    Amazing DayZ Video

    lol nice vid
  15. first video is better cause he shot only twice and two kills.. both impressive though!