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Everything posted by YoChris

  1. Date/Time: What happened: Where you were: (all over the map) What you were doing: (everything and nothing) *Current installed version: this was with 1.7.1 and higher *Server(s) you were on: most server *Your system specs: AMD8150 4,2GHZ 8GB ram sapphire HD7950 3GDDR *Timeline of events before/after error: anytime of day i've reported this also here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15696&pid=144484#pid144484 but i thought i will post 1 in the bug report section also, i did report this before together with 6 other bugs, but i forgot to add my specs and information. so i guess it didn't get accepted, while it had very important bugs in it which i havn't seen been reported yet. hope an admin can retrieve that thread i made and to be looked into. For now i will post about the big bug atm which is the disconnect/body on server bug When you logout of the server, your character is still visible on the server to others, this happends 8 out of 10 times. you can then loot someone's body as the server sees it as a dead person(but character is standing) then after you looted him and the person reconnects, he still has all his gear. meaning the guy who looted him now duped all his stuff. i tried this while putting some stuff in his backpack and to let him disconnect again. And yes i could rob his body again and he will still have the same gear he locked off with. only problem sometimes was his backpack got glitched and he couldn't drop a makarov out of it anymore. hope this can be looked into
  2. you sure thats your only reason? or is it at night you dont have guys online who can look over your vehicles etc. Also even if there was a hacker during the day, there is nothing you can do about it. also cheaters are on the daytime servers. not really on night servers
  3. YoChris

    Banned from NL 20

    should be unbanned. after the regularchecks was forced to be enabled by Dayz, it kicks/bans a lot of players who dont do anything. If you're still banend please let us know here: http://mgftw.com/showthread.php/7258-INFO-Banned-from-DayZ-servers-(NL-13-and-or-NL-20)-Get-unbanned-here
  4. YoChris

    NL 20 Ban for no reason.

    should be unbanned. after the regularchecks was forced to be enabled by Dayz, it kicks/bans a lot of players who dont do anything. If you're still banend please let us know here: http://mgftw.com/showthread.php/7258-INFO-Banned-from-DayZ-servers-(NL-13-and-or-NL-20)-Get-unbanned-here
  5. YoChris

    Banned from NL 13 for no reason

    should be unbanned. after the regularchecks was forced to be enabled by Dayz, it kicks/bans a lot of players who dont do anything. If you're still banend please let us know here: http://mgftw.com/showthread.php/7258-INFO-Banned-from-DayZ-servers-(NL-13-and-or-NL-20)-Get-unbanned-here
  6. YoChris

    NL 20 just got abused by hackers

    Noki0 a friend of yours?
  7. YoChris

    NL 20 just got abused by hackers

    wont matter what server you're on. hackers can always join it
  8. YoChris

    NL 20 just got abused by hackers

    Btw can anyone confirm he disconnect jsut before you all died?
  9. YoChris

    NL 20 just got abused by hackers

    i've posted the players IP and GUID to Dayz. maybe they will ban him
  10. must have been suggested before but couldn't find it. But is it possible to add like a result on how many slots in a vehicle have been used when placing items? its always scary to place stuff in vehicle's when its almost full
  11. you guys do need to understand that Server FPS is related to how many people are connect at your server by that time. if you restart a server and check server fps and you only have 5 people on. you will have a very high fps. but if your server is full with 50-60 players your fps will be around 5-6 fps everything above 1 server fps is good
  12. YoChris

    Faint everytime I spawn on a server.

    if you logout while bleeding you get a 5 min faint. this is more like a anti logout future they added
  13. YoChris

    Battleye kicking all people

    works fine for 19 servers. why shouldn't it for you lol. must be a problem on your end. not the game
  14. this will mean every single new server you join you will start over again
  15. YoChris

    Battleye kicking all people

    start reading: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34798-arma2-patch-build-94997-now-running-on-some-servers/page__st__120#entry339383 and listen to:
  16. heheh. just noticed too Pander lol
  17. believe there was a forum somewhere about it. and server renters should get it in the future through support.dayzmod.com
  18. YoChris

    A List of Passworded Servers

    there will never be to many of them.
  19. server starts to desync when reaching 1,1gb of memory per server. thats nothing new so far. but Dayz is working on this, and also working on better server fps
  20. ya lol! there already is a #dayz-admins channel where only admins are in (mostly)
  21. YoChris

    A List of Passworded Servers

    NL 16 for almost 2 weeks lol
  22. yea, thats why they advice to restart every 4 hours with 60+ players, 5 hours for 50+ players and 6 hours for 40 players
  23. same goes for NL 16 running for 1 week now. and only has the owner in it and his friend
  24. YoChris

    Locking a server

    people sometimes respond like this because its a question asked 1000 times before you. it does say clearly in the stickies on the whats and donts when hosting. but most people just to lazy to read it. so you should understand why people agro like that
  25. YoChris

    Locking a server

    they wont send it. they asume you have read the topics in this section "stickies" above.