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About averym2

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I mean 17 years old or above :( sorry for the confusion
  2. I am looking for people 17+ and preferably in the U.S. because of time zones and stuff. I am not looking to join a clan. Just want a small 3-4 man squad to have some fun with. I am not a super serious player, I don't really mind dying, but I am not careless and I don't try and get myself killed. I use skype, and I am in Central Timezone.
  3. Not really looking to join a clan. Like I said before, just want some dudes to chill with and have some fun playing Epoch.
  4. Sorry not looking to join anything like that. Just want to chill with a small group and play some non serious Epoch. Thanks anyways.
  5. Hey guys! I am 17, and have been playing Dayz since it's release. I mainly play Epoch. I am look to join a squad of 3 to 4 people. Just wanting to have some fun. I use skype.