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Everything posted by con635

  1. A good few on last night, 10 at one point? Anyway, c'mon people fill it up!!
  2. Had a go last night, was good fun, all the memories came flooding back. I really hope this gets popular.
  3. con635

    I need help with a treasure hunt

    Did you find it? Msta/Three Valleys or around there, the forests north of there look sort of like an animal hunkered down?
  4. con635

    What do you enjoy about the Mod?

    Pros: The randomness, every time I spawned was an adventure whether long or short and always different, sometimes you went from getting killed after hours of work to finding and stealing someone elses hours of work then sometimes a glitch or vehicle accident would wipe hours or work etc. Another pro for me was the clunkyness and the odd glitch that was in Arma2, yes I think its a pro not a con. (talking real dayz as in vanilla) Cons: Knowing the map and getting some experience playing ruined the adventure a little, eg who remembers getting lost or dying to zeds?! It was great.
  5. Free bump for the best custom server ever, if you havent tried this I suggest you do! Steep learning curve but very doable, best crafting system Ive seen in dayz however its brutally unforgiving even for a geared experienced player.
  6. Free bump for an awesome server, took me right back to the good ol' days, deserves more players, I really hope people try it and it gets populated.
  7. Me and a friend at last started playing, only a few hours so far but great server we'll be sticking around. Beans for you cartoonboy.
  8. con635

    Will DayZ Survive?

    Might try sa again its been a few months, I'll play the mod for a long time as well as sa I think, until the sa can be modded/customised at least, this will be when the mod will die I think. I enjoy vanilla as well as Arma2 zombies ya see. As for h1z1, yeah, close the door on your way out :P
  9. con635

    This one time, In Cherno....

    I used to love these stories and the bandit campfire, its a little saddening to see the population move to the standalone and this forum getting quiet :(
  10. Hi hope someone can help... I use dayz commander, ccg laucher and the games built in search, its on steam and win7. I have tried reinstall and many cache verifications through steam as well as common fixes around forums/google. The problem is when I join any server (dayz or epoch etc etc) through any method I get into the lobby, I hit join and the game file downloads/splash screen starts and finishes at 'recieving data' I get the 'no message recieved xx seconds' until I'm kicked. If I retry many times it might not happen once and I can play fine but its 1 in 20 then if I die same again, kicked for not responding at 'recieving data'. Game worked fine for a year, didnt play for a few weeks and made no sw/hw changes, also might be worth noting when I verify the game cache of arma2 oa in steam after Ive tried to play it always downloads about 12mb the first time then 835kb the second time I run it???
  11. con635

    DayZ Mod 1.8.3

    Are the zeds harder? I hate the way they were gimped from .1 to .2
  12. con635

    DayZ Mod 1.8.3

    I'm not sure europa is actually 1.8.3, I know its in the title but I got black screen after I updated, had to roll back :( hopefully vinyljunkie replies I'd love to try the new .3 zombies, I miss 1.8.1 :(
  13. Have a look on google and make sure the card will fit in the case! Its a big card. You don't need floppy, I live just fine without optical/dvd drive though discs are a pet hate of mine but the drives are cheap so up to you and there's already a decent sound card built into the motherboard. You may get some performance from 2x4gb sticks of ram instead of 1x8gb stick but at this time I'd say get the 1x8gb so you can buy another if needed in the future. Good build,enjoy! edit after a little googling it appears the card will fit just fine :)
  14. con635

    how to use melee weapons

    Wow thank god you guys came along, OVER 2 YEARS these people waited on a good solid answer not to mention the extra help for anyone searching the forum for how to spell hatchet, beans all round!
  15. You want an i5 for gaming eg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116942 Better cheaper card eg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202099 I would recommend you get a bigger case as well like a mid tower. These and your other parts will max arma2 np and alot of newer games, should last a few years in fact.
  16. Probably but its horribly unbalanced for gaming in general, any other shops you could buy from? Have you looked to see how easy it is to build your own rig? Youtube etc?
  17. http://epochprices.com/ Thats for ccg and they use coins as well as metals for currency but its a list of gear available.
  18. con635

    Switching between Mod versions

    Try 'dayz launcher' it does everything for you its the 'new' commander!
  19. Have you got a temperature monitoring program? eg hwinfo? If not download one and check temps and gpu/cpu usage while you get the 'drop'
  20. con635

    favourite gun for pvp?

    Mk48 is my fav but any lmg for pvp or rage at zeds is good fun. I used to love m14 aim but find mk48 more versatile now.
  21. con635


    Napf is my favourite after Chernarus.
  22. con635

    Standalone to mod? Sell it to me.

    Arma2 mod is 'the' mod,some call it vanilla mod, its a real zombie game, although they nerfed them slightly in 1.8.2, in .1 it was amazing you really were better off without a gun and staying quiet and loot was hard to find, a crossbow and enough gear to cook and drink was rewarding, a fire fight with other players in a town was near impossible due to swarms of overpowered zombies, an empty server is still fun and a challenge. A car in the mod is a massive hassle to find, fix, run and then maintain a heli is harder again, if you like the standalone alpha and want a glimpse into what it'll be like try the mod. Sold yet?
  23. con635

    Standalone to mod? Sell it to me.

    Its worth buying 100% and 1000% when on steam sale imo, owning both I still enjoy the mod far more and only have a few hours clocked up on SA even though I got it at release. They continue to update the mod and tbh its (1.8.1-1.8.2) faaaaar more of a zombie survival game than SA atm. SA isnt really 'out' yet its alpha, the mod is complete and gets improved still I recommend you try its only £16.
  24. I found with my old amd cpus that fps on arma scaled nice with clockspeed and core count didnt matter much, once above and beyond 4ghz the game plays fine even on athlon 750k, both my brothers use oc'd 760k's. Another option and the one I use now is a used ivy bridge, costs around the same as amd and my fps is great even in cities though I can still feel a little stutter despite the increased fps but its not a problem.
  25. con635

    No message received

    Have looked at the old posts on bi forum? Theres settings on your router you can change that has helped some people and some routers are apparently not compatible. FWIW mine worked last night, all night without fail, strange. My internet speeds are similar to yours if not sometimes a bit lower. edit: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/79453-fix-battleye-all-versions-kicked-client-not-responding-solved/