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Everything posted by teej9

  1. So I just got a nice 23" hd monitor after a year or so or gaming on an old 13" i "borrowed" from my office. My issue is the game looks rather chunky now. I was wondering what the best resolution setting would be? I don't see an option for 1920x1080 which is what I'd like. Any help appreciated!
  2. for some reason the 1920x1080 popped up the second time i booted the game up with the monitor. problem solved!
  3. teej9

    tent issues

    Hey guys new player here. After about a week I feel like I've finally gotten the hang of it a little. Last night while playing though I came up against an issue. I finally found a tent, but when I tried to set it up I never got the finish building option. The tent was just stuck to me. I aborted and when I came back in the tent was set up and all was good. Today I logged in and the tent was gone. Tough because I put all of my good gear in it so I could go looting and now I have nada. I came on here and saw a couple of post about tents and vehicles being messed up since 1.8 came out and 1.802 didn't fix it. Does anyoe know any servers (public vanilla) where the tents are working? Thanks TJ
  4. username:TJ Age:29 Based: US Newish player, but long-time gamer. Looking for a group to play Dayz with. I typically play Vanilla but am willing to try out any variant. Not looking for extreme PvP, more of an all around playstyle. Basically looking for a group who has fun and does cool sh*t.
  5. teej9

    tent issues

    1503 here I come. Thanks man