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Everything posted by bearbeat

  1. bearbeat

    Zombies = Players?

    Hello fellow survivors! Im new into DayZ since a few days back. Im starting to learn the game now slowly but ive noticed by watching several videos and streams players always say like "theres some zombies, watch out for players" etc. Is it true that if theres zombies in a location, there have been a player there very recently? Thanks for the help.. other survival tips gamebreaking things, please support me :) thanks!
  2. I'll buy the collectors edition
  3. bearbeat

    Currently worth buying Arma 2 to play DayZ?

    your 2 months max failed
  4. bearbeat

    Humanity and the new journal

    dumb question maybe... what is the journals humanity?
  5. bearbeat

    Zombies = Players?

    Thats really awesome :) can't wait! ive heard rumours that the standalone is close for alpha release!
  6. bearbeat

    Zombies = Players?

    Exactly! I mean im a new player and i have HUGE disadvantage playing against someone who knows about this. Have this subject been up before? Heard anything about future of DayZ?
  7. bearbeat

    Zombies = Players?

    That was wat i were afraid of... but i feel I have a disadvantage against other players when i dont know these things.. because i can run into a town thinking this is a zombie surivival game ofcourse theres zombies in this town. a little while later someone just runs up and kills me, oviously because hes scouted from far and see the zombie spawns which tells him im in town. now ill be more prepared next time
  8. bearbeat

    Zombies = Players?

    Thanks.. so if lets say i run over a field.. and in the tree line seeing lots of zombies in a small town. i mean how do i know the zombies havent spawned bcz of me? :) are we talking an open field length as "distance" or what could you compare the "distance" with? thanks =)
  9. bearbeat

    General Survivor/Bandit Tips for Beginners

    This is awesome! Thanks alot!
  10. my name is bear in real life and i always beat everyone i play against =)
  11. bearbeat

    Zombies = Players?

  12. First time i tried this game. I went straight up the forest and never turned back. I see a truck in behind some trees which had like 40 guns, loads of snipers etc. First time playing i nearly shit my pants. I jumped up the truck and never turned around lol.. then i parked it, took my gear and destroyed the truck so noone else can get the stuff. finding that truck destroyed my survival experience
  13. bearbeat

    Where's vanilla at?

    Vanilla is awesome
  14. bearbeat

    Arma2 or Arma3

    The feeling in Arma 2 isnt even close to Arma 3 Zoombies. Theres something about the gameplay in Arma 2 that is unique when you walk around and just the gameplay overall, controls, inventory etc.
  15. bearbeat

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi! Im a new player from Sweden! Whatsup everyone