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Everything posted by MASKOAA

  1. Came down from the NE airfield, bored outta my fucking mind.....I've had this character for over a week.....I've played to much DayZ. Screw it time to donate to some random newb down at the beach so I hightailed it. First newb I seen had a female skin....I SHOUTED LIAR!!! and struck him down. The next noob was being chased by 5 zombies so I saved his life...ran over to him threw my M4A1 Camo SD on the ground at his feet with 6 full mags and I yelled in the mic, "DO IT FAGGOT"....and he did. Hope he enjoys the full gear. Had everything.

    Just gave all my gear to a newb

    Redz whats your name ingame
  3. I said it earlier but I'll say it again...HOTFIXES SHOULD NOT HAVE NEW CONTENT OR NEW THINGS.....HOTFIXES should be to ONLY fix whats broke. Everytime he's done a hotfix and added new things in there just to get them in then we end up with 4 more things wrong. I'm losing motivation to test when all my stuff keeps getting deleted.
  4. Honestly no...what good is crouch running if you have to be a football field away to use it?
  5. Suggestion......when you release an update and then a hotfix...DONT ADD NEW THINGS TO THE HOTFIX......every single time a hotfix has come out you've added 3-4 new things that cause a problem. Keep the new things for a proper update. I know you want us to test things but its getting kind of hard when we keep losing everything to find the motivation.
  6. Daytime lighting seems borked....I was in a town and when looking one way it was wayyyyy to dark. Zombies seem to see me in buildings to easy, hell they seem to see me just way to easy overall now....
  7. Also I think my hatched has disappeared....I had full gear but now I'm missing a hatchet.
  8. u tried reinstalling battle eye through steam? Tried a different server and it worked....these server admins don't know what the fuck they are doing...another server said I was running but the server was runnign the title of the server said
  9. I'm getting the BATTLEYE KICK 16 ERROR...have the latest beta....
  10. [NEW] Camo Clothing now allows you to move faster up steep inclines(Better boots)
  11. No living organism on that has ever existed on this planet runs like that Try shooting a humming bird.
  12. This is the first game in a new genre Sandbox Survival. It will not have every little thing you want in it just like every other new game that started a genre didn't. I think people need to come to terms with this b/c they seem to be under the impression that Rocket will just be able to keep adding more and more stuff layering this up like a giant cake. Not gonna happen, not on this engine. Not on Arma 3. He'll do everything he can thats in his power but your PERFECT game will not be here within the next 5 years so deal with that and be happy.
  13. I'm talking about ground foliage like high grass and stuff you would see on the forest floor. Currently you think your hidden laying down but anyone looking in your general direction from about 150 feet away is gonna see you b/c on their screen that foliage isn't there. Your given a false sense of being hidden.
  14. That's what I figured, but it seems like the same loot sticks around for a very long time and doesn't change unless you manually clear the pile. So basically what I'm saying is maybe the checks are in the wrong order in the coding. Like, it checks if there is loot there, if there is moves on. If not it has the chance to spawn. Where as what I'm trying to say is chance for respawn, if there is a respawn check for gear and remove it, if not chance for removal. Sorry if that's a little convoluted, it's been a long time since I've had to do any coding. The loot doesn't change if your in the area...you have to go away for a bit and stay away and hope that no one else goes in the area. When I say go away I dont mean in the building on the other side of town I mean leave the town go up on a hill and wait.
  15. 3DP is being removed anyway' date=' so this bug will resolve itself. [hr'] I think the spawning with a gun thing is over' date=' like permanently. The new way is unarmed, we all gotta adapt to it [/quote'] Yah I think so as well, makes the game more interesting. Completely agree. It really brings the tension and terror back to the early game -- knowing one small mistake before you find a gun and you're dead. It also makes finally getting a gun, _any_ gun, much more rewarding. Kudos to rocket for his continued efforts. Really love all the changes that have been coming down the line. Third person is not being removed its never even been stated its being removed and if it was removed it would piss off alot of players that like playing in third person.

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Should of doubled the time water/food last. As it stands my character should be fat.

    Argh flashlight won't work!!

    Just curious you guys are taking it out of your backpack and putting it in the pistol slot right?
  18. In this game you only have one hand which is why you can only hold the pistol or the flashlight.....the fact every player model has 2 arms is just a glitch. Flashlight should go in the equipment slot not the gun slot. Cops use a flashlight and gun all the time.
  19. This is a videogame about survival in a zombie/infected filled world. I hear people crying that night is to dark but thats the trade off to force people to use their flashlights/chemlights/flares at night.....honestly if I could see the ground and towns at night why would I use any of those things? Everyone would just be running around all stealthy. This also puts people at risk who just want to go on servers were a low limit amount of people are on so they can farm high quality loot area's at night. Now with the new Zombie AI they have to use light or risk aggro and instant death. You want to be stealthy at night then find some NVG's. Just b/c the game is on the Arma engine doesn't mean he's not gonna put in trade off's for gameplay purposes.
  20. If you could see everything at night then it would make the flashlight useless.
  21. I do think that the running animation with the flashlight should be alittle more steady...obviously its not a gun so running with it and keep it somewhat straight out in front of you wouldn't be as hard.
  22. This is an open alpha to a free game so if you can't learn how to install it thats your problem your not being charged to play this game ITS FREAKING FREE and still in the testing stages....but thats completely going over your head.