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Everything posted by MASKOAA

  1. Note the first word: post. And only 1 in 8 soldiers get PTSD. And PTSD is 99.9% of the time nothing like that. Most soldiers don't typically kill random civilians for their beans.
  2. ...that is a terrible idea BrB killing 50 people and not having nightmares.
  3. Rocket I have a good idea for bandits...the more people you kill the higher chance of seeing things that aren't there. You can make it client side so no lag on the servers end. Have random zombies spawn behind you that start attacking but cause no damage...your guy will probably freak out and fire a few shots calling in real zombies or alerting people. I imagine in real life if you kept killing people you would start to go alittle crazy.
  4. Rocket I have a good idea for bandits...the more people you kill the higher chance of seeing things that aren't there. You can make it client side so no lag on the servers end. Have random zombies spawn behind you that start attacking but cause no damage...your guy will probably freak out and fire a few shots calling in real zombies or alerting people. I imagine in real life if you kept killing people you would start to go alittle crazy.
  5. I think the game needs a tutorial for new players b/c currently alot of things are very difficult to grasp...for instance like the way inventory works....I accidently deleted my main gun by trying to put it in my backpack that didn't have enough slots...
  6. I like the idea of spawning with just bandages, last week I ran into the ocean glitch were you spawn like 20 minutes from the coast and lose all your main inventory....I swam all the way back and got the chance to start with no weapons and it was tense. I made a suggestion thread in the past about having a timeout period when you die but I like your idea of spawning with no weapon b/c then like you said people can't just make a run back to were they were shot and kill the person.

    DayZ fixes fuck ArmA 2

    Stars are out...its a clear night...no way should everything blend together in solid black. What's being simulated there is the inside of a cave.
  8. Last night I logged out in a thin tree line by one of those wooden military post that are at the edge of the tree lines....as soon as I get on I see someone crouch walking up to the post as to not disturb the zeds....I immediately start touching myself......I shoot....he dies.....I continue touching myself....I blacked out and woke up sticky and my wrist hurts...I don't know what went down but apparently I liked it.

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    If you want more people to play I suggest taking your clan tag off your player profiles.....Its probably disheartning to log into a server and see 7 names with the same tag...I imagine people immediately back out.
  10. I never played Arma 2 or OA so was the inventory always bugged in those to or is it DayZ related? I tried moving my M4A1 CCO to my backpack but since I didn't have enough room the game deleted it.....if thats how its always been how come it was never fixed over the years?

    Enfields own the Northeast...

    please state why.

    Enfields own the Northeast...

    I really dig the Winchester. I was on top of that castle tower...and 2 guys were sneaking to the outside guess this didn't see me go up and I was able to kill both of them when they were outside the castle perimeter with me up top. The gun sounds quit and only the top of my head was peaking out so they just keep running in circles freaking out b/c they couldn't find me lol....they had the best loot ever. Coyote Pack(The best pack) M4A1 CC0 with 8 mags....full inventory item list....just the best stuf ever lol.
  13. Not working on Transformer Prime Tablet running Ice Cream Sandwich. Version 1339446151, just gives a black box with a white outline with a MADE BY BOOMSLING in the corner. I can zoom in b/c the white outline disappears but the map itself is black on my device.
  14. I'm no good with video editing so its only an idea. Screen fades in on a guy riding a bicycle down a country road with "Raindrops keep falling on my head" playing when he looks back as he's riding and there is 20 zombies chasing him....all of a sudden from behind the Zombies you hear a chopper and it comes up over the horizon with music switching to some AC/DC and the gunner kills all the zombies so the guy on the bike stops and waves to say thanks.....then a fast zoom in cut into the tree line of a guy laying down and in a ghillie suit with a sniper rifle......cut to TROLOLOLOLOL song...screen fades to black....gun shot. DAYZ LOGO..... end.

    Perfect trailer idea? Yay or Nay

    the Trololololo song represents the mindset of the guy's who do that on a regular basis. Plus this would be more of a fan trailer rather then a trailer that would be used by the company to advertise the game.

    Perfect trailer idea? Yay or Nay

    I wish I could make it...like I said I'm terrible with video editing I'm just throwing it out there if someone who's good wants to make it...I'm sure if done well you'd get a shit load of hits to your channel.