You guys are funny. Bobula, you and your buddy were caught spawning a heli in the camp. That's why you were banned. As far as servers going down. IT WILL ALWAYS go down if I am there for a hack. period. It will ALWAYS be for an extended period. My tents are all alive and kicking. Latioug you are a liar. Restarting a server will not get you your shit back. Doesn't work that way.
Banned Theorix from US 150 for having an L85A2 AWS, GUID: ******458eaa50c838be64ab****** IP: **.202.41.** I looted this item and destroyed it, his body would not hide. Edited out details. This is a legit item in the game 4L4N
I am having the same issue.... and now I can't play. I re-installed the mod files rebooted. Everything I can think of. Help please Ingame name=Proficuus Player ID=18980166