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Everything posted by zorilya

  1. totally down with this as it seems a sure way to stop metagaming in new servers restarts and rewards those who trawl through every house to find stuff. nice that they might stumble across a car or bike
  2. zorilya

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

    i like this idea but all of this points towards oganised team play which i think is just one more reason to make this a private server thing for Roleplay
  3. started a thread on this a couple days back so i'll +1 this for good measure
  4. I'm in agreement that it is overly dark. i too live in country and night time is very dark but eyes adjust and can still make out details of a few things suck as the difference between grass and a road. it seems that any surface deemed as unlit in the game engine is just black ..... no consideration of the dynamics of light reflection i.e. grass blades. perhaps the very dark night should be the engine at it's lowest lit without forfeiting details and then just a black overlay to tone it down. Still Details just details that are hard to make out rather than plain IT NOT LIT SO IT'S BLACK lack of details
  5. Just wondering why it seems to not have been implimented that we could perhaps find a baseball bat or 2x4 or even just the but of the gun your holding to melee zombies when you run out of ammo. melle has been done before in Arma and didn't work too badly. Anyone else up for that sort of thing?
  6. zorilya

    Private servers (local dbase)

    I'm all for this idea for the aformentioned reasons. I think this works ok as a hive idea but i think that a clan of roleplayers would have a field day or days... on this establishing a base... clearing the towns one by one and collecting materials to, improve a base, build or mod a truck to be more "anti zombie" or build parts towards an end game like making a boat to leave the island..... and then it would be on to the next island, and the next zombie survival on a different map with perhaps a load of different ways to win or just thrive in a zombie world.
  7. zorilya

    Why I hate Stairs and Ladders

    his responce was to your hating on the simulation of weapon length expressed by making it harder for people to manuver if they are in tight spaces. yes the description of the second event would be considered an exploit but you hatred of stairs seemed to be based on the fact that you don't like how you can't opint your gun in any old direction whilst on them. try using the alt key to freelook if you wanna look around but just accept the fact that in real life you can't force a gun through a wall just because you wanna shoot someone
  8. zorilya

    Reform of the zombie mechanism

    i'm down with the Zombie behaviour suggestion and i was gonna start a tread about the magic zombies if there wasn't already a comment