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About jonathan_dfn

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    On the Coast
  1. okay so im running dayz 1.8 on arma 2 build:103718 off of steam note that: i have been playing this game for a week straight with no major problems even this morning till now. -verified game data via steam for both arma and OA. ( launched both independantly) -reinstalled the dayz mod 1.8 and build for arma 2 using dayz commander ( -using dayz commander^^ i join the game completely, and can actually play, shoot, drive, fly, eat, etc... for about a minute MAX. and then it throws me back into the games lobby to reload into the game. happens every time, and its not BE or kicked by admin.
  2. SAME THING JUST HAPPENED TO ME!!! I CANT PLAY AT ALL!!! :((( steps taken so far: -restarted pc -verefied all components of arma and ran them -reinstalled all mods -cried in a corner for 10 minutes