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Everything posted by SomebodyEpic

  1. SomebodyEpic

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    You were a formidable opponent, but no match for the great SE.
  2. SomebodyEpic

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I just said I used the f12 html editor lol... Jokes on you.
  3. SomebodyEpic

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    f12 smart ass
  4. SomebodyEpic

    high res loot map

    Just use the snipping tool to get an screenshot of http://www.dayzdb.com/map then resize and print. DONE. Or you can invest in a second monitor...
  5. SomebodyEpic

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Hahahaha Gotcha
  6. SomebodyEpic

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Rocket just announced on twitter that it will not be ready for this year. http://i.imgur.com/ptPXqSf.png
  7. SomebodyEpic

    A tip for an unwise chap

    Honestly, half of the fun is learning the ropes on your own. Don't spoil the fun by looking up guides or using loot maps. Have fun :D I wish I was still new to DayZ :/
  8. SomebodyEpic

    Hi guys, it's me again i need help "Again"

    I honestly can't tell if this is a troll or if you are just that incompetent.
  9. SomebodyEpic

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Hicks_206 via Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hicks_206
  10. http://youtube.com/watch?v=u7L-7XREY08
  11. SomebodyEpic

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    When I stroll into a town in DayZ I want to see bodies everywhere, blood on the walls, gruesome dismemberments. The whole nine yards. Again, another place where DayZ misses atmosphere. This is a motherfucking zombie apocalypse, the streets shouldn't be perfectly swept with pretty houses everywhere.
  12. SomebodyEpic

    Offline Mode + Editor Mode.

    I think an editor mode would be nice for some cinematical videos for youtube or something, but a single player? What kind of fun is that? The whole premise apon which DayZ was built, player interaction, would be destroyed. If you want a single player zombie game go play State of Decay or something.