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12 Neutral


  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    Murdering, Robbing, Hijacking, and Lollygagging...

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    Send me a message if you wanna play. I'm seriously not going to kill you... well I might if we don't know each other or you don't answer me. So lets just be friends so I don't have to shoot at you or throw explosives at you?

    If you are a child, do not attempt to contact me in anyway or I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AN VICIOUSLY MURDER YOU. Children annoy the hell out of me when I play games, so if you talk to me and your voice hasn't cracked yet, I'm turning you into hamburger for the zombies (I'll shoot your legs and leave you to die).

    If you see THE YANK know that that is me! I'm a nice enough guy, if I like you I might even give you some free loot!

    I don't consider myself I bandit, even though I have killed people for no apparent reason. I'm just a realist who lives by one simple rule, kill or be killed. You walk towards me pointing a rifle in my face saying "Hello, I'm friendly. Are you?" I'm going to shoot you. Running from zombies? Need medical aid? I'll help. Pull a gun on me after I do so I'll have one of my friends shoot you. Walking on the beach, weapon down, I wont even bother you.

    I frequent numerous servers and do not like to be tied to a specific one.

    The best way to contact me is through Steam. My name is THEOTHERJESTER, the same as this forum account.

    I was forced... I feel so dirty

    HAHAHAHA same thing happened to me. Its a script some guy was just messing with you. Its funny as hell when it happens.

    Seriously Watch This

    Yes a guy did show up on an ATV and started saying stuff. I couldn't hear him over the music so I left fearing that I'd be killed while dancing.

    Seriously Watch This

    Yea lol, I broke my desktop and have to get new parts for it.

    Seriously Watch This

    There I was joining a simple DayZ server to behold this strange phenomena upon arriving. I apologize for the low quality I had to take the video with my phone because of the spontaneous arrival of this bizarre sight.If someone can tell me what the hell is going on here I'd love to know.

    My first bandit scalp


    The True Cause of The Infection

    i could buy this lol

    Capacity of Tents .6 build

    You can fill the Alice packs with anything you want which means even more storage, that's what 100 extra spaces or something right?

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    So do I message you the app or what?

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Do you guys do transportation for a stranded survivor?

    Looking for Group RIGHT NOW!

    Are you looking for a group or is this a recruitment forum? I ask this because I'm looking to start a big group, and I could use all the help lol

    Team Up - US 900

    Looking to start up a group with our own home server of US 900.I like this server but its not really populated and I am trying to get more people on it. So hit me up and we will start claiming our own server! Everyone and anyone is welcome! PM me for details, also you can contact me via Steam (THEOTHERJESTER). Try to get team speak it will make our lives much easier. See you guys soon. Plans - 1) Police the server keeping it safe from bandits. 2) Help anyone who needs our help. 3) Establish a "Security Zone", an area were we can keep our gear/vehicles.
  12. Message me more details about how exactly you plan on doing this. I have a few people who are trying to do this already, but we don't seem to have the necessary manpower or supplies for it to work. We should put our heads together and bang something out.
  13. For that my friend you have my beans. This idea is only giving one more reason for players to dupe items.
  14. You were saying about using other currency? Do tell me again how you wont be trading drinks for NVGs... Furthermore please reread your own post before you post them. Your grammar is worse than a retarded kindergartner's.
  15. So basically all I have to do is pretend I am friendly to you and your friends, listen in and gain your trust to kill you and steal all of your things? There is a reason why nothing outside of the Medics works, you guys have terrible protocol. Your trade system makes no fucking sense because MDs have no real purpose besides to drink. You want to trade soda for NVGs? Are you retarded? Your form of currency is terrible, try using something of value,like AMMO, not fucking soda. I shall stalk this forum if it catches on, which I hope it wont, and try to "interrupt" any of your shitty little deals you try to make. Anyone else who is reading this has to understand you are either a mentally challenged nut who wants soda for unimaginably rare gear, or trying to trick hard working survivors. I'm onto you bandit scum...