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Everything posted by humberto

  1. humberto

    what plays dayz mod or SA on a laptop?

    a mac book pro is a laptop..... To be honest, your "mac book pro" is probably in line with a mid grade HP laptop... the HP 4530s can be made into a "macbookpro" with speical software. that said, your mac book pro is a HP with an apple logo on it http://computerizer.biz/how-to-install-mac-os-x-10-8-3-on-hp-probook-4530s-or-4540s/ Im looking for people with faster laptops then your mid grade,
  2. humberto

    what plays dayz mod or SA on a laptop?

    well, Im on the go alot.... I see this laptop for under $700 and it has your specs.... but uses the intel HD graphics tho, dont know if that makes a difference http://www.bjs.com/toshiba-satellite-l55-a5234-laptop-up-to-34ghz-intel-core-i7-4700mq-processor.product.241408?dimId=2000511 would this work? Im figuring, if this laptop can get the same FPS as yours, its a beast and , in theory, would be able to play other games no problem
  3. Im dont understand, why can the MOD have more players then the stand alone? I like playing on high populated servers, interacting with human beings. the map is way to big to only have 40 players. if they made less players, they should have made a smaller map
  4. humberto

    Random freezes for 1-3 secs every 1-3minutes.

    its been like this since the mod
  5. humberto

    What exactly is lagging this game?

    its not true that buildings lag, for example, people are happily playing with 60 fps on arma .. problem is arma 2 uses yesteryears arma 2 engine technology and doesnt really take advantage of todays technology. once they add zombies spawning and loot spawning expect to get 10 FPS in cities , as the info has to be streamed to all players, creating more lag