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Everything posted by humberto

  1. humberto

    I can't stand this any longer.

    alphas that take 2 years... holidays that take 2 months... at this point, lets just go back to the mod, and back to having fun... it has...private hives...more guns...more cars....oh, anti hack :D
  2. humberto

    Performance optimization

    really? 60s looking up at the sky?
  3. humberto

    Performance optimization

    im serious... I keep hearing "its an alpha" "its a ddos" "its the holidays" "I get 60 fps, on a Pentium 3" but seriously, has anyone seen any 60 fps other then looking at the ground?
  4. its an "alpha" its a "DDos" attack its the "holidays"
  5. humberto

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    holidays have been over for what, 2 weeks now... I like how people take 1 day, which is christmas, and stretch it into a LONNNNNGGGGGG month
  6. humberto

    Performance optimization

    where are all the videos of people getting 60 fps on dayz?
  7. humberto

    Dayz is unplayable right now

    where does it say they are getting ddosed? all I hear is, "its an alpha" its a "ddos attack" sounds to me, like there is no AH protection
  8. humberto

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    I think the answer is, dayz sa failed to pick up where arma left off... why they want to redo everything, when arma had accurate aim... maybe it has to do with the contract, maybe dayz has to be tuned by the dayz , and not a copy and paste of arma 2 code in a SA title?
  9. humberto

    Mass Character Reset!?

    why does these things happen with dayz so much?
  10. its called a hack. i like how everyone says its dsync all the time
  11. any claiming to get 40+ fps on their pc, post a youtube video to prove it there are none..
  12. ok, so I guess this is the holy grail where , you wont need to EVER upgrade more ram or cpu or gpu, just change some settings and you will get 30 fps on your old pc, even if its a pentium 2
  13. noobs....these tweaks wont help much if your PC cant handle it the real bottle neck is the limit of your cpu / gpu
  14. humberto

    Spawn changes

    they had this option in what happened?
  15. wow...who ever thought, a game, which started out as a mod, would end up being anti mod private hives became more popular then public, hardly anyone was playing on public hives during the mod...more people played on private hives
  16. humberto

    Put A Kill Feed of Some Sort

    so how are people suppose to know whos hacking? VAC turns on for about 3min the shuts off. VAC2 doesn't come on til about 20min after, then shuts off, and VAC3 doesn't show up. So pretty much after 30 min you can hack SA without getting banned by VAC
  17. humberto

    Put A Kill Feed of Some Sort

    kill feed helps idenfify hackers.... xx killed xxx with dmr from 2000 meters... = hacker now hackers run free
  18. considering even rocket said dont buy the game, dont know why people left the mod
  19. humberto

    Future of Dayz Mod?

    leave the mod like it is..... please. its actually real stable now, loading times are fast, and people dont turn into birds anymore... if it aint broke, dont fix it.
  20. humberto

    wtf game servers

    admin tools, are nothing but "hack tools" for the admins of the servers. now, they dont "hack" with them, they use them to check on players to see if they are hacking... maybe someone has coded an ANTI HACK for SA, I recon
  21. I still play the mod... mod has more guns, global chat, helis, cars, and an updated anti hack.....
  22. Anyone here play dayz mod and or stand alone on a laptop? If so, can you post your laptop and what FPS and settings your getting?
  23. humberto

    what plays dayz mod or SA on a laptop?

    what kind of laptop? what do you mean optimization for what the MOD or SA? or your laptop?
  24. humberto

    what plays dayz mod or SA on a laptop?

    maybe someone can help me understand, what is turbo boost? and will it work with dayz? seems that the title of the toshiba is misleading... it says up to 3.4 ghz on the i7, but its really a 2.4 ghz
  25. humberto

    what plays dayz mod or SA on a laptop?

    I see this envy but its CPU is only 2.4 its an i7 tho. http://www.bjs.com/hp-envy-17-j020us-laptop-24ghz-intel-core-i7-4700mq-processor.product.242523?dimId=2000507 I mean I would be happy with a steady 40 fps on dayz on a lap top. I play on a laptop but its a mid level 2 year old HP, was wondering if anyone with a laptop uses the Intel HD series built in graphics card