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About PyroManiacLV

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    On the Coast
  1. My PC is a potato so I need an OverPotch server which performs really well. Can anyone recommend any?
  2. PyroManiacLV

    Post Your Gear So Far

  3. http://gamerz.lv/ "GamerZ Epoch Chernarus [3DP:ON] [DAY] [Veteran] " Hi everyone! We just recently relocated our server to a new home so I thought this would be a great time to introduce it to you guys! At the moment it's a 50 player slot server. Located in EU.Automatic restarts every 3 hours.Runs the latest beta patch/DayZ Epoch mod.Custom starting loadout (No backpack & Makarov)Enabled waypoints, 3rd person view, crosshair, veteran.Active admins.Friendly community.Rules are fairly simple: Don't cheat(doh).Don't kill people in trader cities.Don't steal from people in trader cities.Use English or Latvian in chat.Don't use voice chat in global/side channels.Also you're welcome to join our site(http://gamerz.lv/) and participate in all sorts of DayZ/non-DayZ discussions. Skype support: ritvars_007