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Everything posted by Villktveir

  1. Villktveir

    Reason behind your username?

    I am Villktveir, which was originally Villk2 but i had made an account on minecraft but didn't buy it and later i was going to buy it but had forgot the password to that account so i just made a new one called Villktveir. The reason why i choose Villk2 to begin with was because my friend had an account named VIllk1 and we wanted to make a group or a clan called Villk. :)
  2. Villktveir

    Reason behind your username?

    I am Villktveir, which was originally Villk2 but i had made an account on minecraft but didn't buy it and later i was going to buy it but had forgot the password to that account so i just made a new one called Villktveir. The reason why i choose Villk2 to begin with was because my friend had an account named VIllk1 and we wanted to make a group or a clan called Villk. :)
  3. Villktveir

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    this is one of the best ideas i have seen so far support this 'till it getsimplemented to the game!
  4. Villktveir

    Idea : Technical escape !

    I think that this idea adds alot to the realism to the game (especially) the carcass one. If that was the game it could help alot of players but at the same time some "derps" might find them selfs in a pit of failiure,, personaly i wouldn't mind fucking up sometimes... but also these traps could be used to trap other player as well, for exsample: you're getting chased by a bandit or a stalker and also the zombies you'd put the trap dowm, attract zombies and after when the zeds are "done" they might lock on the stalker. So in conclusion I would love to have this feature in the game.
  5. Look just as much human beings we are, we alway have to change everything. I think how game is now, makes the game so perfect. And if we were to change it too much it would turn into a RolePlayingGame instead of a survival pvp game. Many of your suggestions are great and well thought through but im not sure that they would fit the survival theme that this game has already. However this suggestion would be a good idea for a mod to the Standalone when that's out. that way people could choose rather than being stuck with something that they don't want. :)
  6. Villktveir

    Military safe zones in the SA?

    If there would ever be a military safe zone it would be something that the server and people on the server would add adn keep active by themselfs not something that would have to be in every server... It's a good idea for some people but others might not wanna have that "corrupting" their gameplay expirience :)