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Everything posted by filthtribe

  1. filthtribe

    Hacker on Thermos

    We have had a problem with a certain hacker for the past few days on a server i play on frequently. It is called Thermos (Thermos! Server) His name is "MewTwo354" We narrowed it down to him because me and a few other people that i play with on this server noticed the hacking only happens when he plays, and this last time it happen today a few minutes ago, there was only the people i am familiar with (my friends) and him that were on the server, so it is DEFINITELY him. All the firestations, barracks, hospitals etc, had blown up and were reduced to rubble. also we could not pick up any gear off the floor. On an earlier occasion, he had set off i guess you could called them Nukes, the entire map went off in explosion. These are just a few things that had happened. We love this server and would hope that this gets looked into so that we can continue to enjoy our games. Thank you