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About xRaidaR

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello, on the third day of adventure, I had carefully been scavenging and finding a lot of good items. Matter of fact, so good items, that I decided to go to this forum and maybe get help. (After doing some research, I found out that clothes cause this, I had no idea) I found some clothes and a bike, disconnected with the green camo clothes on, and riding a bike at the same time. Reason is, the F12 screenshot didn't work, so I wanted to try reconnecting to take a screenshot of my new find. After reconnecting I had found out that I had spawned in the sea, among some other player that was idling, yet I didn't want to give up, so I swam up to some shore, what seems to me outside the map, no grass nothing, finding myself having my camo on, my tools, and my backpack with my stuff, yet I lost my dear mp5, and my revolver, and some other important stuff to me. If it is possible for someone to revert my character to a previous state where I yet still have my items and where I still was in Flugfeld, it would be greatly appreciated!!! My character name is xRaidaR, and I have my CD key if that is needed. Thank You! EDIT: Forgot to mention, my player ID is 19633414