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Everything posted by ray23est

  1. Well, if you would actually think about it more thorough you would possibly notice that the so called scrambled aid team with its aircraft carrier would eventually go away. For the reasons of following protocols in such situations. 1) Any technical equipment deployed on the Chernarus mainland would have to stay there, because they problaly wouldent risk with the possibility of the technicals becoming infected with the disease and then let it back on the carrier, even if it was a helicopter or such. 2) Most likely the aircraft carrier wouldve been so far off the coast the zombies even couldent see it, therefore the ships crew cannot get infected unless they get direct contact with the virus/infection. 3) As they see the operation is going out of control, they would simply back off and nicely sail back to the port the carrier belongs at. 4) A government wouldent even risk this expensive piece of equipment to even be nearby to a infected landscape so it wouldent even be deployed anywhere near Chernarus. 5) If you want a ship to be on, then check out the cargo ship that is already confirmed for DayZ Standalone. And if you want a camp floating on water to be accessed only by a boat , then suggest Rocket that you should be able to build floatable buildings, for example where I live some people have built floating saunas in the bay, they get on it with a boat, chill over there for a while and then return to the mainland.