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Posts posted by Zanders

  1. And no. I dont care if its alpha. There is no underlying plan as of yet to add something that  will make people feel as if they are a part of something bigger in game, well unless you roleplay that your a can of beans reseller or something :)


    I remember reading that someone had a vision of dayz being more of a mmo survival game than a pvp shooter and i am nervous that the person who said that has forgotten his vision! Seriously i have more fun in minecraft right now!

  2. Hello everyone.


    WHen i logged back into dayz SA i got surprised that there are a few changes made to how the game feels to play and i was happy about it for a while. then i started to notice the old stuck in the stair pole, drifting movement, klunky indoor movement etc.. Still very bad and i was amazed its still there.


    Anyway i kept on running around finding loot and a weapon. I kept out of sight of other players just to make sure i would stay alive as much as i could.


    After about 2-3 hours i started to feel like i was just running around with no purpose i went into a house and started thinking about why i had this feeling. I could for the life of me not find anything in the game that would take my feeling away.


    There is plain and simply not anything drawing me into the game. No progression what so ever.

    I dont care if i have the best weapon in game or 10 can of beans and drink to last me a week.


    I want to be part of a group that is doing something togheter, something meaningfull. creating something, i dunno a house or a raft to take me to an island where we could put our cabin or something and create our own little comunity within the game.


    At this point this game is totally pointless. Sure i can run around kill people and be an ass and just laugh my way thru the carnage but thats only going to be fun for a few days and then i am back to where i am today.


    I really wish the developers of this game dont focus on cars and boats and different items. The game really needs a deeper purpose. Something to keep people busy. Not a leveling system but something that engages a lot of people. Somethihing  you feel like you contributed to. and it needs to be solid and working great!


    I want to be part of something in game, i want to interact with people in different ways like pvp, trading, services etc. I want to feel bad when i shoot someone. It is supposed to be dangerous to kill other people.


    but most of all i really want to have a purpose!

    • Like 3

  3. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/#entry1564197

    Additional options for those hosting servers will be rolled out as soon as we can. We want to encourage a "hardcore" mode that will operate on a separate database, featuring things like first person only, no hide body, etc... In addition, we also want to provide passworded servers that will operate on their own shard of the database. This shard could be grouped, so that a group of passworded servers could operate on their own database. Eventually, we would like to see these different communities on their own db running their own variations of DayZ to meet specific communities needs.



    We want to allow private hosting, which includes passworded servers, but we are finalizing changes to our database that will allow us to run a little data instance just for that server. This gives the best of both having a database and having a private community, without those private communities affecting the main database.



    Hope that helps anyone who still dont understand what i am talking about!

  4. Locking a server will lead to abuse as it's happened in the mod. You'll be the only one on the server and can loot away with no risk and then possibly jump to a public server with your full gear and kill all the freshspawns.

    It's not different from cheating, as it's giving you an unfair advantage over other players.

    And I think you guys seem to be forgetting that it was forbidden to host servers privately on the mod last year as well. It only happened because someone hacked theHiveExt.dll and rocket said, that they aren't supported and not allowed.

    Let's just keep it to that for now, as noone asked you to host a server and there are plenty out there the community is not paying for and it will eventually become cheaper.

    We're paying 56€ / month, which isn't too far away from the prices in the early state of the mod, as it's hard to deal with, as it's new and there's no experience yet.

    And even though you might seem to think the hosters are updating very slowly - just take a lookat how many servers there are to update. You obviously would be quicker to update your server, but try doing it as fast as the providers with 1,000 servers.

    Give it time, you'll get around to be able to host the servers.


    Jesus christ your just being ignorant. You whole point is killed by one fact.

    Community hosted servers wont be on the main hive! Rocket even said this himself in another thread.


    Also they are already working on it so no need to discuss it further. Its already happening!

    • Like 2

  5. We pay a shitload for a server but we cant play together on it because it is always full.

    Cmon rocket this is really sucking donkeygrease.


    Atleast let us lock the damn server so we can use it as we like instead of looking at a full server!

  6. So I'm helping support the Alpha and paying for the server and I get nothing. I work 10 hours a day commute 1 hour each way leave home when its dark and get home in the dark and I cant even change the day settings on the server I pay for so I can at least play in the daylight. Rocket you suck!! Lighten up and give us some basic functions. Right now I can change the name but not the whole name just one little section still have "Dayz NY" junk in front, I can set restart time but there is no messaging to warn players ingame before it happens just the load in messages, could change time for 30 min last night then the update killed that, thanks :P  Because you set the bar so high for the service providers requirements on what they have to give in way of public servers they are screwing us with server cost of $70 for 30 slots, 4 times that of the Arma 2 Dayz. Not saying you have to give it all but here's the short list.


    Must have:

    Full name control

    Day time settings

    in game messages, clan advertising and server restart warnings


    Wish list:

    Private hive 

    Load out options


     PAssword the server is for me a nr 1. Even maybe whitelist or something.

  7. Dear Rocket: I went thru a surgery today, I have to sit around my home for the next 2-3 days, without moving no further than 20 meters. Please. Make my weekend bearable and have the 50 player test tonight and release the game tomorrow. cincerely: A boy in agony who needs something to get his mind off from pain.


    Btw: I just bled my soul to that post...


    Seriously? My friend has cancer and is dying within a year and he would never make a post like this!

    Point being If your not serious take the above as a lesson!

  8. Just found this on reddit.


    [–]rocket2gunsRocket 24 points

    4 months ago

    Private servers that connect to the central hive will be expressely allowed on release, using a blacklist system. That means servers will be automatically approved and only blacklisted if somethng goes wrong. This is mainly to be allowed for our alpha, in beta and release we will reiew the situation and possibly allow private hives themselves.


    So i guess i just killed the conversation!

    • Like 1

  9. It's buried somewhere in the updates from the last year, but I can assure you it is correct. I'll go back and try to find it. Some help from a moderator here would be much appreciated  ;)

    It was around the same time that they said the game will not be available for modding until later down the road. Trust me it's there, unless they've made some sort of change.


    I doubt they made any changes in a years time. :)

  10. When do you plan on being able to host a server? We already went over this last week. Initially they will only be hosted by steam, this has been confirmed by Rocket. Private individuals will not be able to host DayZ servers until the full version is out, which could be months after the alpha release. I feel the need to reiterate this because I don't want people getting all upset when they realize they, in fact, cannot host a DayZ server and we don't know when they'll be able to. You might want to wait on purchasing your parts is all I'm saying.


    And again. I am not hosting per hobby. We are running a business.


    I have yet seen any of this can you please point me towards the information your refering to?

    I have tried to get Dean's attention about the matter but it is as easy as climbing to the moon on a ladder!


    We can host atleast 5 servers in sweden and i personally never thought it would be a problem!

  11. what makes me wonder about bigger than 50 man server is the actual cost ! servers for that kinda of number would cost you alot of money a month and need seriously high spec boxes. i think you wont see many even when the game does support them as you talking possible 150-250 dollars a month to run a 150 man server.



    Just ordering parts for our server now. its going to be a beast :)

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