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Everything posted by yakfish

  1. what mod do you usually play on? If its a zero server theres a zero installer that's faster to use
  2. yakfish

    Good Dayz US servers?

    BMRF>ME US 3 its a dayzero mod. Best mod out there I think, were looking for one or two newer players. Message me on here.
  3. Bmrf.me us server 3 best server out there! Got get white listed.
  4. Just wondering if there's a chenaraus map I can download and upload it to some program on my pc? I'm trying to put tents in certain areas hidden and mark them on the map. So I can go back and look at it when I need to. Any info is helpful. I'm not talking about the in-game map.
  5. I've been playing Epoch because of more cars and buildings. I cannot find a server that doesn't have every car locked or a trade zone. I just wanted a basic server with more buildings and fixable vehicles.No starting load out as well. Any ideas?
  6. yakfish

    Anyone else not like trade zones?

    Haha agreed sounds amazing! Add me on steam. ooyakfishoo. No pic
  7. yakfish

    Anyone else not like trade zones?

    What are the servers?
  8. yakfish

    Anyone else not like trade zones?

    Meat Pie where do you play?
  9. yakfish

    Anyone else not like trade zones?

    That's what I'm saying, I can't find a vanilla server with more than 2 people on it. I play a zero server with like 15 others. There are no vehicles at all that I've found.
  10. I've been playing for about a week. I have a few favorite servers I play on. I changed my name in menu to yakfish I also have a steam account under ooyakfishoo. I don't know how to add people but you can add me. These severs are basic and don't start off with very much.I Do have a headset but don't know how to switch channels. Hmu on here or you could email me just ask for it. I'd really like to play with at least one more player on a regular.
  11. yakfish

    Any "true" dayz servers?

    Was able to find the sever that way. Thanks for the help, my name is moon dog on most servers! Hope I run into you. add me if you like.
  12. yakfish

    Any "true" dayz servers?

    Orange, I have dayz commander and cannot find your server. Not sure what im doing wrong but the server I play on is very similar just looking for a better community to play with.
  13. still looking peeps, just hit me up on here ill check back.
  14. Cool thanks ill try it in an hour. What this alliance stuff about
  15. Where do I put in the ip at? I'm not looking for a server with the best stuff or most I like bare bone servers.