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Everything posted by Pronkers

  1. So like, I finally managed to get back up to my usual ghillie, as50, m9sd, nvg etc , after losing them over and over to scripters, and I just updated and got asked to select my gender...... If I join another server will I be all good.. ? fml
  2. Pronkers


    Why delete my thread? Why the fuck not educate people on how fucking ridiculous these fucking scripters are???????? This game is fucking unplayable, why else would I be on your shit forums complaining about it. I've lost every fucking thing I've got from playing this game to scripters over the past 2 fucking months. I'm just gonna buy a second Arma and script the fuck out of your game since no one cares, fuck you all :thumbsup:
  3. Pronkers


    Bandwagon idiots.
  4. Pronkers


    That made me smile <3. It's more of a beta though if that, I'd just call it a mod.
  5. I've also gone through around 5 helicopters that were autofixing themselves so probably scripted in.
  6. Pronkers

    This game

    I have not died to a zombie or a player for a very long time, probably weeks, all I have been dying to is simply the fucking server I've lost INFINITE amounts of high tier weapons, vehicles, stats etc to simply fucking logging in and being put at the beach with no shit, no body for my teammates to loot or anything, no option for male/female, just put on the beach with a box of fucking painkillers. This is really annoying. /endrant.
  7. Pronkers

    This game

    A cookie would be nice. I'm fucking starving JK just got respawned full food.
  8. Pronkers

    DayZ Stories
