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knoCC (DayZ)

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Everything posted by knoCC (DayZ)

  1. knoCC (DayZ)

    Meet Franchi

    Good post...and Beans for...you know!
  2. knoCC (DayZ)

    Scariest Shit Ever

    Vid or it never happened. Silly rabbit.
  3. knoCC (DayZ)

    Dayz Standalone - Maniac On The Road

    Beautiful. Never lose your sense of humor people... Oops, too late.
  4. knoCC (DayZ)

    A Chance Encounter (3 Africans & 1 Woman)

    Great vid! The first 25 seconds are fuckin' gold friend. When dude drops his buddy looks over and looks down and yells "Oh shit!" I was dying.... Keep doing what your doing. I like the music buildup as you rushed the Sniper, I was cheering for you...
  5. Been in that situation and while it sucks, I thrive on that type of shit. I love revenge and you shall have yours one day. DayZ Rule #7: Never trust a dude in a Yellow Raincoat...EVER!!!
  6. knoCC (DayZ)

    Dayz Events.

    Good ideas, made me think of a The Road Warrior type of scenario i.e. transporting a Tanker..."Tanka"
  7. knoCC (DayZ)

    How Big Is The World Right Now?

    And we have a winner.... I like the way you think sir...I will actually cry when you foolishly wander into Balota, unaware of your fate...
  8. knoCC (DayZ)

    Why I Am Friendly

    Good post! *On a side note: I can't wait until Cannibalism is implemented so I can eat your fingers so you can no longer type this uplifting crap...and your face.
  9. knoCC (DayZ)

    To The Gentleman That Spawned At My Sniping Spot...

    LOL! We need more of this guy and less bitchin'...You have my beans, I wish I could throw you my panties too.... Wait, I'm not wearing any :rolleyes: (Yes Homo)
  10. knoCC (DayZ)

    Dayz Backstory?

    Have you boys heard about the Balota Ripper? He roams the forests, treelines, highways and by-ways in and around Balota, mainly at night. He usually just watches and studies people, but on occasion, he will snatch a random explorer and gut the shit out of them. His hobbies include skinning people and wearing their faces as masks. He also likes to howl at the moon and enjoys chasing wolf pussy in the mountainous regions... I am the Balota Ripper
  11. knoCC (DayZ)

    It Happened Again :(

    If you're a sad panda now, just wait until we upload the vid of what we did to your character on that second floor...(shivers)
  12. Sooooo, you're gonna start playing "Leisure Suit Larry: Virtual Adventures in Male Fisting"?
  13. Well said sir! You had me at "They would also probably rape you if that was a feature in the game..."
  14. knoCC (DayZ)

    The Loss

    It takes a big man to cry... It takes even a bigger man to laugh at that man...
  15. knoCC (DayZ)

    Meet Franchi

    Seeing a player like this is pretty cool. Watching a player like this get murdered and then hearing his killer going apeshit on the mic after searching him would be equally cool... For some strange reason I want to skin Franchi and sit on Sniper Hill overlooking Balota with a good book in one hand and Franchi's face in the other...
  16. knoCC (DayZ)


    Me too. Just started happening today. That's why I'm on the forums...
  17. knoCC (DayZ)

    People Suck.

    "Ice up Son!"
  18. when I was frolicking up north, sniffing around and licking my nuts and what not. Anyone else hear it? I'm sure it was a bug of some sort, but every time I would stop, look up in the sky, and listen.
  19. knoCC (DayZ)

    I Kept Hearing The Faint Noise Of A Little Bird...

    I had to stop every so often because I was hearing that sound. I was neither high nor drunk. It was crazy and a bit erotic at the same time.
  20. knoCC (DayZ)

    I Kept Hearing The Faint Noise Of A Little Bird...

    When you are running in and out of the tree lines, you don't really have time for complete sentences. As far as licking my nuts, I was doing just that when all of the sudden I was interrupted by the sounds of a distant little bird. I stood on my hind legs and perked up my ears, but to no avail. I am a human of course. Sometimes I like to try and lick my balls, but I keep falling off the couch.
  21. knoCC (DayZ)


    You will find me roaming the forests of Balota in search of Wolf Pussy...
  22. knoCC (DayZ)


    I say yes. The real question is... What about if times are really flacid?
  23. knoCC (DayZ)

    Play Dead

    Exactly why they should also introduce gasoline....
  24. knoCC (DayZ)

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Fast-moving zombies were lame the day they were introduced...this is supposed to be a realistic simulation correct? A horde of slow-moving zombies is far more frightening than LFD spazzed-out Hollywood shit that we are tortured with. They look great in movies... If you played the Mod, you must have loved the Zeds that chased you from Electro to Balota without losing a step...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  25. I currently use Bandicam to record. I love it for it's ease of use, low storage space on my PC, and I lose little if any FPS while playing. The only thing I don't like is the watermark and 10 min. limit for the trial. I tried to find a thread comparing Bandi and OBS only and couldn't. If you have used both, I would love to hear your opinions or pros/cons. I have never used OBS, but keep hearing good things about it. I am actually downloading it in a few so I can compare myself, but I would love to hear from people who use it or have used it before. Bandicam is about $30-39 and OBS is free, but I'm willing to spend my $$$ on Bandicam because I have been using it and am satisfied. If OBS is the same or better then I could use this money for something else. Can you fine ladies and gents give me your thoughts on either type of software? Kisses!