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knoCC (DayZ)

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Everything posted by knoCC (DayZ)

  1. knoCC (DayZ)

    Handcuffed in Electro

    ^ This 110%! I have yet to be handcuffed by anyone nor will I allow it. Karma is a muthafucka and you did what any respectable person would have done. I hope you said something to this chump as you felled him. I think he got off easy. If it was me, I would be running around the forests outside of Balota wearing his face as a mask...
  2. knoCC (DayZ)

    My friend, the psycho

    This is one of the best stories hands down I have read on these forums. Most of the tales woven by people sound way too exaggerated and dime store novel-like.I was laughing so hard I was crying. People do change playing this game and Psycho is a perfect example. You need a dude like that in your crew who will not hesitate because when shit goes down, some people fold. I hope to cross paths with you boys someday. My advice to you would be to get extra locks for your crib and to pat down your boy at the front door when he come over..
  3. knoCC (DayZ)

    A list of ideas

    I only clicked on this thread because I was curious about your pic...you didn't disappoint friend.
  4. knoCC (DayZ)

    VIDEO: Camping Coasties in DayZ

    *2 minutes after this heartfelt encounter, young Johnny, kitted and ready to face the Apocalypse, succumbed to poison ivy...*
  5. knoCC (DayZ)

    What do you do when you find heaven?

    You sing along of course...
  6. knoCC (DayZ)

    DayZ interview FAIL

    I was unaware and was in no way trying to spam my vid. Next time I will send the poster a private message to check out a vid I have of a similar experience.
  7. knoCC (DayZ)

    DayZ interview FAIL

    Easy kitten...I was simply sharing my similar experience with this poster. I was not trying to "hijack" his post.
  8. knoCC (DayZ)

    your last breath - what will you waste it for?

    I think this is a great idea. I would laugh or speak of revenge. One of the things I like about dying is hearing my killer(s) spout off at the mouth...
  9. knoCC (DayZ)

    Faith in DayZ players restored

    Not since I was in 5th grade... Gerandar gets it, I don't know why you don't.
  10. knoCC (DayZ)

    Which DayZ Standalone resources do you use?

    I played the Mod and got familiar with all the towns and landmarks. I just got the SA a few days ago and I love that Balota and a lot of other areas by the coast have new buildings, landmarks, etc. that I've never seen. Makes the game feel fresh and new. I haven't even explored up North yet. I don't plan on using any of the above resources until the game has been developed further.
  11. knoCC (DayZ)


  12. knoCC (DayZ)

    DayZ interview FAIL

    Funny stuff. My favorite part besides the dude killing you two was the shit talkin' afterwards. Glorious.
  13. knoCC (DayZ)

    Russian Roulette

    Russian Roulette is already in the game...it starts when you get confronted by an armed bandit/bandits and you yourself have a gun. *Bandit Roulette-An upgraded version*
  14. knoCC (DayZ)

    DayZ SA Performence issues

    If you love DayZ now and it takes you 30 min. to run from one side of Cherno to the other then upgrade to a desktop and by God you'll FUCKING ADORE DayZ...
  15. knoCC (DayZ)


    You have plenty of time to explore every area in DayZ before they start adding more and more shit, as well as a lot more people start flocking on. Then sir, then, you are fucked! GET TO IT!!!!
  16. When you jump off the top flight of your stairs and for the rest of the day you mumble "Fuck that hurts..."
  17. knoCC (DayZ)

    Faith in DayZ players restored

    Good deal. Make sure you pay it forward sir. I have some advice for you and some others. Not really advice, but an observation. When you are confronted by a group of heavily armed peeps in the game....do not raise your arms or crouch for these assholes. Put you hand up and let them state their business and state yours as well. I've seen way too many dudes get handcuffed and passed around like a cheap hooker. Not like a high class hooker, that let's you sniff coke off of her supple ass...but a cheap hooker who has neither coke nor ass. Sorry for yelling.
  18. knoCC (DayZ)

    too much running

    LOLOLOL!!! Good stuff. I'm still waiting for the Participation Trophy I'm entitled to for buying this fucking game...
  19. knoCC (DayZ)

    Lonewolf meets Bambi Bart

    Bruh...a training camp? I think they need to learn by experience or hanging around other veteran players. You did the right thing showing him the ins and outs. I jumped into ARMA 2 and learned by making mistakes and watching others. It definitely helped me when starting to play the mod. I did the same as you on the mod. I would help prawns and explain what little knowledge I had. And then like a proud parent, I would slowly take off the training wheels and watch them crash and burn or make it past populated Bandit havens, sometimes with a few corpses in tow. I am by no means a vet at this game, but all my experience comes by grinding it out and learning as I play as well as help from Heroes and Bandits.
  20. knoCC (DayZ)

    Cherno has been quiet the past couple days.

    Spit out my coffee...
  21. knoCC (DayZ)

    The battle of Elektro

    Episode #1- 1:52 Rolling!!!! Good stuff. I would love to gather a few of my guys and challenge you boys.
  22. knoCC (DayZ)

    1st time playing SA/Balota Adventure

    My 1st goal in SA was to get to my beloved Balota...
  23. knoCC (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone - Honour

    LOL! What a great way to start my morning. I love how this shit escalated from a friendly boxing match to shooting at each other.
  24. knoCC (DayZ)

    To the random Asian man I met

    LOL! And it loves you back....
  25. knoCC (DayZ)

    Don't bother buying

    You had me at "Hard". Nice Post.