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Everything posted by raedin

  1. raedin

    "No entry"

    Hi, So I bought a new computer and a reinstalled dayz and now I'm getting this error: bin\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscHint/Background.type Any idea on what this might be? Thanks much Raedin
  2. raedin

    "No entry"

    Nope, I'm still getting the same error
  3. raedin

    Unbelievable frame lagg

    Arma is horrible for FPS, I'm running a 6 core GTX 610 that will run Battlefield 4 on high but I have to run Arma on the lowest settings to get better than 25-30 fps
  4. Howdy, Can someone tell me how to install dayz, I bought Arma 2 and Arma O.A from Amazon, and I can't find any up to date videos on youtube on for to install dayz from amazon. Is it the same as the Steam install? BTW I have Windows 8 if that makes any difference. Thanks much Raedin
  5. Ok, it works. :D thanks guys, my arma and OA weren't updated.
  6. I tried a few things and it still don't work. :(
  7. Hi, I did everything you said up there, and when I double clicked a server after a few seconds a error came up: Addon "dayz_anim" requires addon "CAmisc_fix" Thanks.