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Everything posted by rumplefugly

  1. rumplefugly

    Unluckiest Thing That Happened To You?

    On my most successful play through so far, I made it to the top of a large building in Electro-I think. I had a pistol with plenty of ammo and a shotgun, the quieter one, with a good amount of shells. A little food and plenty of pepsi. I was finally feeling like I was "playing" the game. I had enough gear to not focus on getting more, and climbed to the top of a large building to get a good view of the city. I watched a few other player characters scurry about the city and was having a ball, until... I wanted to see how good the range on my shotgun was. I was trying to aim straight down the side of the building at some zeds below. I had to situate myself precariously on the ledge. You know the story from here. Of course my stupid butt fell off and broke both my legs and died. Such is DayZ. Such is Life.