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About KCG

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  1. KCG


    Knife? No. Axe? Yes. I mean, someone hits you with an axe (like those ones you see stuck in tree stumps by some houses in-game) you're going to lose a limb or have it buried in your chest/head. The last thing I want to see in this mod in some kind of scripted quick-time event where you press attack by someone with a knife and they can't do anything but watch in horror as you pull their head back an ram a knife into them. Melee weapons should act like aimed attacks that get weaker with each swing until you've gotten your breath back and have the potential to instantly kill someone or at least severely wound them (bleeding, shattered bones shakes from pain etc). But hey, I'm happy just fantasising about chasing respawned players through Cherno with a sledgehammer XD
  2. KCG


    Sledgehammer; - 1 metre range - has knock back effect, breaks bones and renders victim unconscious upon successful strike - found in your run of the mill house/barn/supermarket - completely silent, aside from the sickening crack of your victim's bones shattering XD
  3. KCG


    Saw this and the DayZ melee topics came to mind :D
  4. KCG

    UK8, New Server

    Any more news on this server? I saw it running two days ago and got on but was too dark to find my damn tent ha. Now its gone again :(
  5. KCG

    UK8, New Server

    Any more news on the status of the server coming back on?
  6. People's survival instincts have finally kicked in? After all, in all those zombie films and tv shows you have the initial outbreak victims and then the victims of the victims etc until you get us. The survivors.
  7. KCG

    Character wipe for new patch?

    To the OP, no offense but someone who has every item people strive to get on this game HEAVILY biases my opinion on this and no doubt yours. Fuck no is my response. Everyone dies eventually, I don't want hours of searching for rare gear to go for nothing.
  8. KCG

    Your stupidest death

    So there I was happily humming to myself after finding various useful loot items in Vybor, WHEN SUDDENLY spot two guys coming up towards Vybor in the opposite direction. We both spot each other at the same time, and both duck into the nearest bushes. Wanting to diffuse the situation I type in chat 'Hey! You two outside Vybor! I don't want no trouble now...' One of them types back 'Too bad'. Then shit hits the fan as multiple bullets fly my way, I fire back whilst still behind the bush and somewhat unnerve them as I have a M16 and they've just got Winchesters. Realising that I'm rapidly bleed to death I run out of there using bushes for cover I mange to get past the road and cut around the outskirts of Vybor. Unfortunately, this does not go unnoticed. After bandaging myself at 4K blood I crouch run towards the small woodland to the north west in hope to get into decent cover. As I look back to see if they're spotted this escape I run straight into a group of 3 zombies. Panicking, I start sprinting away. I manage to reach the woodland and drop the zombies with my G17 and heal up. Bandaged once again and recovered to 6K blood I decide to head west to make sure that the two hunters don't follow the trail of zombies and find me. I stick to trees and bushes and reach a field. Beyond which lays a vast forest and safety. I crouch run across after a small breather. Mid-way across I hear the dreaded scream of an angry zombie, then I hear two more screams. I panic, with the adrenaline from the earlier fire-fight still running through my system I mash the keyboard and pray that I can make it across. Just into the woods I make it and turn around to deal with the three zombies chasing me. I stop, shoot one four times, it dies. Back-peddle again and repeat. Another zombie down. Back-peddle for the final zombie, stop. Aim. Fire three rounds in quick succession. JUST as the final click on my mouse was entered the zombie veered sharply to the right. I missed. It reached me, knocked me down. Unconscious. I had to sit there watching as my blood counter slowly drained away, just a little too fast for the knock-out cool down egg timer to catch up. I felt all hope leave me that night. Sorry for the long post but I felt this needed a full dramatic description.
  9. KCG

    UK8, New Server

    Cheers for the update Bonse, eagerly awaiting playing once again :D