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Everything posted by mwilliamson

  1. We are a relatively new group and are looking for more players to play DayZ and compete with other clans on the servers. If you're interested reply to this topic with your steam name and a bit about yourself and we'll get back to you.
  2. In game DayZ name: TheShetlander Steam ID (How we will contact you): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022477610/ Best Role You can do in a group: Scout/Vehicle Crew Your time zone and/or where you live (When do you play): Shetland Isles, Scotland, weekdays: 6pm to 1am weekends: 10:30am to 1200am How well you work with a team (1-10): depending on the scenario a 7 or 8 Favorite weapon (Why?): M4A1 Holo. Reason: It's very versatile Why you think ZUNPC is right for you: I like the idea of banding together and helping others with supplies. But not the idea of killing players who pose no threat unless absolutely necessary but killing bandits who kill and rob indiscriminately i'm cool with. What would you bring to the ZUNPC: Restraint, good observational skills, Diplomatic, good sense of humour (particularly squadie humour), able to deal with large amounts of information and separate out the important bits, Good stealth, good piloting and driving ability and able to take and give orders as neccesary.