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Everything posted by flowernstone

  1. Hi as the topic suggests i am very very new to dayz. I watched os many videos and i finally purchased a alienware labtop and now i should be able to play dayz with no problems. I wanted to ask can someone please.. please... step by baby step explain every process of getting dayz before i blow my brains out... I downloaded the full package deal for all the dlcs and arma 2 and arma arrow games. I also downloaded dayz commander and dayz mod from stream. I got everything downloaded and i literally have no idea how to even play or start playing dayz... i keep getting some kind of error something like configuration everytime i go to open up dayz mod. I been real stressed seeing as that when i downloaded dayz commander it came with a freaking virus that im still trying to get rid of. Can someone please help me and go step by tiny step to make sure i literally got everything done to get this game working!!! And yes everything was downloaded successfully and i even updated everything through dayz commander.