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About soc1e7y

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  1. soc1e7y


    i've been researching this game for months, i've put in enough hours of watching youtube to play the game and just find out. Rest assured im not your average ''fps gamer'' from call of duty, been doing this for years and i'm always open minded to new games and concepts, i've wasted money on alot of things, after 5 hours of experimental use and trying all the mods i can possibly absorb ill get my 25 bones worth. Whether or not ill bite of more then i can chew is always a risk.....but really how else do any of us find out? Watching people play a game will never give you the chance to fairly judge. I doubt my buddies would recommend me crap, especially since we're so critical on games.
  2. soc1e7y


    thanx again everyone. this has been a battle for me all month, but since i don't see the standalone coming out any time soon. I need to break away from this bordem and try something new, even if it might suck. Hell I watch retards blow money on $60 games these days that belong in the dumpster and support greedy non-community oriented gameplay.
  3. soc1e7y


    i bit the bullet. hope it taste good.
  4. soc1e7y


    thats what I like to hear!!!! keep it comin!
  5. soc1e7y


    So I spent hours trying to research things, and I can't decide. Here's the dilema, Spend 25$ (which is overpriced as hell) (but possibly worth it) for the opportunity to play this great game/mod that's truly one of a kind ORRR wait for the so called ''stand-alone'' thats still buggy, no vehicles, and pushed back in release. I mean it's already october... Some people are saying it's going to be months! You guys are the real deal community, you know whats going on! If im looking at a minimum of 90+ days of waiting im going to just bit the bullet. I tried to play that horrible rendition ISS because well it looked less buggy and better graphics, only to find out I ABSOLUTELY HATED IT. Anybody who thinks blowing real money takes it to the next level is merley an idiot. Now, Im not concerned with the fact I may be doing alot of ''nothing'' thats the idea of any sandbox type game, run around and make your story...that sounds great! I need to hear some good stories from heavy doubters that got converted. PLEASE LEND ME YOUR INPUT