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Posts posted by vBUTCHERv




    Welcome to Evil Gamerz! We are back and ready for the new gaming season. We are recruiting for every position from leadership to looter. If you think you have what it takes to join a bad ass clan with a bad ass name and a bad ass bunch of mother f***ers join our teamspeak3 or reply/comment on my youtube channel posted above. So a little bit about Evil Gamerz, we are a old clan, who has been through the ups and downs and ins and outs of DayZ and Arma etc. Evil Gamerz is it's own independent clan. We have our own leadership and rank system, we have our own Dayz Epoch server along with multiple other servers for other games. So if you are interested in joining, join one of the links below and talk to...


    E.G vSATANv

    EG Painkiller


    Join our teamspeak to play with us .lol


    Thanks for reading hope to see you guys on the battle field or running from zombies!


              http://evilg4merz.webs.com/   <<<<APPLY HERE!!!!!!!




        E.G DayZ Epoch Server IP-     
