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Everything posted by mullins09

  1. I have been searching for awhile now for a debug monitor to use on my server that toggles using the end key. i have seen alot of servers now switching to this monitor type and cant figure out where they are getting the script. can anyone help me out?>
  2. How do you add Custom Vehicle Spawns and Buildings on a Official Hive server? i have been trying to figure this out. i noticed that US 659 has a barracks at bolota and is still official. if you can help please do. Skype: djandroid17 Dayz: v1.8
  3. hey, i was wondering how to make it so when people join my server they dont have to download all my scripts that are in my mission.pbo to the appdata folder. this also prevents people from just taking my files and running it on their servers. its now like 1256kb and is becoming a bit annoying to download everytime i join server. i have seen other people do this. is this possible? i am running an Official hive v1.8 Skype: djandroid17
  4. mullins09

    Dayz Official server hiding files?

    I want people who join my server to not only have all the cool features but a quick loading time. And if it is unnecessary for my players to download such a file then I will at least try to figure it out. I have seen other servers do this so it must be possible
  5. mullins09

    Dayz Official server hiding files?

    I didn't ask for a suggestion. I asked for a solution. I don't have many scripts. Just debug and loading screen. Loading screen being the majority of the download
  6. Hey, i am in need of some serious help with editing HFB server files. i see all these official servers using HFB and they have debug monitors, extra vehicles, etc. if someone can help me get this straightened out that would be AMAZING. you can contact me via skype or here. Skype: djandroid17