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About sublimeaces1968

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  1. sublimeaces1968

    been working for hours can someone help?

    hey thanks i figured it out i was using the wrong self_action for my bloodbag which killed any other interaction...and i never changed dynamic vehicles to increase minimum spawn rate
  2. Yesterday traders were working fine! even with all the scripts i added but today when i start up the server i cannot view the traders or epoch board. scripts i have AGN safezones take clothes self bloodbag death messages blur anti hack auto refuel/repair/rearm i have removed (just for the hell of it) safezone, take clothes, death messages, antihack i have redone my database as well and everything works except i keep getting RPT errors Vehicle cannot be created or something like that Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\razor.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 214, 349, 208 AllowedVehiclesLi> 13:41:49 Error Zero divisor 13:41:49 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 264 13:41:49 Error in expression <ect _lastIndex]; 13:41:48 Error Zero divisor 13:41:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 266 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindf_rfl It will Create and place some vehicles tho for some reason but others get the line 264 and 266 error however i don't see how adding vehicles to the map would effect access to the trader! any help would be greatful! I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but under the panthera traders like AWOL their is nothing under static
  3. sublimeaces1968

    A server like no other

    sry man guess i never noticed.
  4. sublimeaces1968

    A server like no other

    We moved from an ST server to our dedicated box based off the fact they suck. And i posted new advertisements as we progressed in our development of the server. if i could delete those i would.
  5. sublimeaces1968

    A server like no other

    Actually we started this server because we were sick of people abusing admin powers. once a jet flew over our base and destroyed the whole thing we decided to make an admin abuse free server. So much to the point that we will not kill fresh spawns on the coast if they didn't like their spawn.(even our regulars that donated)
  6. sublimeaces1968

    A server like no other

    Thanks man we try to keep it fun for our players! hope to be seeing you on!
  7. sublimeaces1968

    A server like no other

    We don't have any noob scripts like auto refuel, vehicle tow lift ect and will never do that (what would be the point of the refuel truck, pumps and geneys).. Also no pay to win! Our admins are 22-45 years old. hardly immature. And the new vehicles and weapons are very expensive and only buy able through hero/bandit trader. did not add them to the loot spawn. Our admins do alot of work to organize events for our players and have been getting very positive feedback. quote from one player "i think you guys have started something new here". if you are wondering what i am referring to read the Locust PMC campaign in our forums.
  8. sublimeaces1968

    A server like no other

    "How is this server "like no other". I've seen like 200 other servers exactly like this." haha what would you have me put as a title ? just a plain old server! dont think that would get attention lol
  9. sublimeaces1968

    A server like no other

    it is held on a dedicated server box on an SSD drive through NFO! I am sorry our other 40+ players like the safe trade , alittle slow since battlefield, gta and call of duty came out tho lol
  10. sublimeaces1968

    A server like no other

    We are a growing community from lone wolfs to big clans to guys that are so friendly that if they get murdered the entire server hunts them down! (kinda funny actually) Custom Military bases spread out through the map, road blocks, New cities, New weapons, NO building degrade and buildings are indestructible, 500 build limit Roaming bandit AI, City filled with AI and good loot ( risk/reward) , self blood-bag, missions, 400+ vehicles, safe trade, take clothes, and many more to come. We do alot for our community! (set up lockboxes with really good loot inside then give hints on the forums to location and code) we set up an entire campaign for our players for fun roleplaying events then end in great rewards! come join us and find the fun or check out our forums http://rip-platoon.enjin.com/home HOPE TO SEE YOUR SOON!
  11. did i forget to tell about the new weapons we added, mk16,17 varients ksvk, etc the list goes on
  12. Friendly?? DAYZ CHERNARUS EPOCH|PVP|SELF BLOODBAG|BANDIT AI|MISSIONS|400+VEHICLES|STARTING LOUDOUT|TAKE CLOTHES|NO BUILDING DEGRADE OR DESTRUCTION|500 BUILD LIMIT| DEDICATED BOX| SALVATION CITY| CUSTOM BUILDINGS AND CAMPS| NO ADMIN ABUSE we are a good server who have a couple big groups and small groups with a few lone wolves. we have all built objects indestructable so no one looses their hard work. we have missions/city full of really good loot but a lot of AI (risk/reward), We also do custom events that us admins put on, EX: we made a maze on holloween and let people go thorugh with hatchets and machetes and who ever mad it out alive got rewards. we also do hammer fights, attack the admin base, races. basically we like to keep our players happy! come join us and have some fun!
  13. FRIENDLY?? - CHERNARUS EPOCH|ACTIVE ADMINS|SELF BLOOD-BAG|SALVATION CITY 2.0|5M-NAMEPLATES|GOLDSTASHES|AI PATROLS|400+ VEHICLES|MISSIONS W/AI|SAFETRADE|CUSTOM DEBUG|MAX LOOT| NAME SAYS IT ALL!! come join us and have a good time. bandits/heros/bambies/ or vets welcome! come with your clan or group up with other solo people! we have no building degrade and a 500 item limit! only rule is no base destruction or blowing up locked vehicles in someones base theft is ok however! we have good anti-hack and are all friendly admins who can guarantee no admin abuse whatsoever and will help you out if your character bugs out!
  14. sublimeaces1968

    NEW EPOCH SERVER|AI|Max Vehicles|Self bloodbag|Missions|

    we now have safetrade in klen,bash,and starry
  15. We just made our own Epoch server and are looking for players that want to have fun and dont mind a little pvp ;) We have active non abusive admins with effective ANTI-HACKS, 400 plus vehicles with loot inside, AI patrols - hero/bandit/survivor/military, Missions w/ good loot, and self-bloodbag. building material degrades slower NO crosshairs or nameplates come join us and have a good time,is