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About james_bartleby

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. NO You start with a revolver, but only 1 or 2 bullet in it so you can defend yourself in a very extreme situation. Ammo should be highly scarce and shooting a gun should put you in real danger (zombies hearing your shot but you not having enough bullets for it) Less ammo and less weapons=more fun b/c you will feel more endangered.
  2. james_bartleby

    Is this feasible?

    I´d like to have more opinions on this subject. I think it can be a big improvement in the gameplay.
  3. james_bartleby

    Is this feasible?

  4. james_bartleby

    Is this feasible?

  5. james_bartleby

    Is this feasible?

  6. james_bartleby

    The only solution to random PvP

    The only way to avoid PVP is that zombies were so scary that you would preffer not to shoot your gun because of how many of them would come after hearing your shooting.
  7. james_bartleby

    Capture and torture

    It could be cool if there were npc´s you could capture and get info of weapon stashes from them. But torturing other players? lame
  8. james_bartleby

    Is this feasible?

    Hi, first post here: Can we have a menu like the one we have for entering into a vehicle in the front doors of the houses in which we cannot enter? I think it would be great for immersion if we could stay safe and sound inside these houses. If this idea worked, we could have a system in which you need to be inside of one of these empty houses in order to save your character. This would solve the Dc problem, but would be a major fuck when servers reboot or you lose connection (Can you think of a solution for this?) To save your character in the woods you would need a tent or a sleeping sack, which would need to be much more common. The idea is that your character is always in the world. What do you think?