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About Indexai

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Indexai

    Spidey Senses

    Agreed mrperson666.
  2. Indexai

    Spidey Senses

    Walk proning while holding shift - I was basically walking with the EAR to zero and eye to three dots and a Zombie could see/hear me 20 meters away and started running towards me I had to run into a building which made several zombies coming after me to, there is no way I can survive this since the new 1.7.1 patch since we don't get any makarovs now the new patch says that you can hide that's bullshit how can you hide if the zombies runs faster then you and you can not outrun them or hide in a building. I hope the new patch fixes this because all I see in my server is people dying each 10 seconds. Also insta bleeding after 1 hit from a zombie is the most idiotic thing i've even seen. So since I can't do shit I just have to respawn like every other player does since the 1.7.1 patch.
  3. Indexai

    Hacker in SE10

    Perhaps to kill me to get off their turf.
  4. Indexai

    Hacker in SE10

    I went to the airfield at Balota and I went up to the highest tower while laying on the floor out of nowhere my character broke a leg shaky camera and all sorts of things and it sounded like my character fell several times until I died, Nobody could of killed me since I was on the highest tower and laying on the floor + I went to the airfield 10 minutes later when I spawned at Komarovo exactly same thing happend. Was it a bug or a hacker? Either way I lost 4 hours of equipment such as my sniper rifle alot of food, pills, bandage.